Hi Team,
Is there anyway by which I can hide 'Cancel' button in the accept hosted payment form.
I have accepcted hosted form into iFame and embed that iFrame into my page itself on page load event(So, use can feel that its a part of our website only).
Now the page in which iFrame is resides, has a previous button, and due to which 'Cancel' button of accept hoted doent meaning a lot. Due to which I want to hide Cancel button.
Thanks in advance,
Ravi Parmar
06-21-2017 01:49 AM
Hi @raviparmarce88,
Unfortunately, there's no current way to do what you describe, but I can definitely see the usefulness in such a scenario.
I'd encourage you to post this onto our Ideas Forum where others can take a look, contribute feedback, and vote for new features.
06-21-2017 02:28 PM
Do we have any solution as of 2021 to hide the cancel button?
04-02-2021 03:37 AM