I'm trying to help a client setup their account using AIM API.
They have one merchant account and will have multiple MIDs associated with that account.
How do we pass the MID so that each transaction is associated with the correct MID?
01-18-2012 11:23 AM
So more than one Authorize.net account? That's fairly simple - you just set the login ID and key individually depending on the situation. For instance, from the AIM.markdown file in the doc folder of the PHP SDK:
Only in your case, you'd set it using variables rather than hard-coding it.
01-18-2012 04:42 PM
No, one authorize.net account.
One Merchant Account.
Multiple MIDs associated with that account.
Is there a specify which mid?
Or do we have to have multiple auth.net accounts to handle multiple MIDs?
01-19-2012 08:26 AM
Might help if you define what MID means, then.
01-19-2012 08:50 AM
Each Authorize.Net account can only be associated with one merchant ID. So if a merchant has multiple merchant IDs they will need multiple Auithorize.Net accounts.
01-19-2012 12:23 PM