Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

DPM - Script Timed Out

Your script timed out while we were trying to post transaction results to it. Transaction ID: 0Transaction Result: This transaction cannot be accepted. So I keep getting this error. I used the starter code at the end of the documentation for the DPM....

MD5 Hash and WooCommerce

I use WooCommerce (Version 2.1.12) with the WooCommerce DPM Gateway (Version 1.5.1) on a WordPress site, and all transactions have been meeting the following error: Error -- not AuthorizeNet. Check your MD5 Setting. No matter what I hav...

ARB Subscription wrong schedule date

Hello Team, I am using Authorize ARB subscription in my application. I am facing inssue in below scenario. Purchased subscription for customer buy070814 at $9.99 on 7/8/14 and created recurring ARB subscription with $9.99 monthly payment (next schedu...

Verify card without charging the card holder

Dear All, I want to do verification of customer credit card to ensure that card still valid to do further transactions. I've tried to using Advanced Integration Method(AIM) and put 0.00 in x_amount parameter but the result always " There is one or mo...

CardCode - passed in AddCreditCard(), but not stored? Solved

You can pass the card code (CVV) when calling CardCode, but from my understanding, will never store CVV codes (I believe no one should ever store them) - if so, what's the purpose of the code being passed, and why is it accounted for in...

Tokens, Hosted Forms & Security / PCI / SAQ Compliance

New to the blog, don't think this has been exactly answered elsewhere, please forgive if it has. If I use CIM, Hosted Form, and get the customer's token (customer ID, payment profile ID), which I can then use to submit payment transactions, I am (I b...

Receiving Response Code 3 / Reason Code 261 on Prior Auth Capture

Twice this morning we've received an error when capturing a prior authorization. Here's the response: {'cvv_response': '', 'authorization_code': '170898', 'response_code': '3', 'amount': '0.00', ' transaction_type': 'prior_auth_capture', 'avs_respons...

chinese billing addresses

Hi,We are using the CIM api and we have been seeing a large number of our potential customers whose payment methods have addresses in china getting declined, almost all of them with AVS code of (s). Is there anything we can do to get authorize to pla...

Error Response 3 with Reason Code 21

I have a Sandbox account setup that was working fine all up until randomly on this past Friday I started to get an error code of 3 with a response code of 21. This website says: An error occurred during processing. Please try again in 5 minutes. Now ...


ARB transactions

I am trying to request the transactions for a particular subscription. Is there something where I can send and be returned a list? I can pull the transaction details from individual transactions, but I had to get that ID manually. I didn't see any ...

SIM relay response url stopped working

I have a SIM relay response url that has been working for the last couple of years. Now it stopped working since yeasterday, no relay posting back to my site (hosted on godaddy), immediately get a time out error. I have not made any changes at all. T...

server configuration change 05:30-05:40 GMT 24-07-2014

Hey Authorize.NET. Sevices constructed by us on behalf of ASM ( started failed to update post payment yesterday 24-07-2014 morning. The last known good transaction was at 05:33 and the first known bad was at 05:44. Can you s...


Empty Relay Response

I'm using proper x_relay_url. is succesfully displaying the redirected page content.But the response values all are empty. Eg. x_response_code - empty Please help. Thanks,Bala.


AIM 403 Error using transact after Authorize updated SSL Certificate Solved

We have an older shopping cart that's been working for years on IIS 6 and classic ASP. Yesterday, credit card transactions failed. The only error I get is a server status 403. Called support twice and they said their SSL had been updated and I needed...


How do I paste the API login and transaction key in squarespace?

I am trying to integrate with my website, in which my host is squarespace(big mistake). They don't have a destination for an API or transaction key. I can inject html,javascript, and css codes, pretty much on any page or anywhere in my ...


PHP - no data returned

I am attempting to pull transaction and batchlist data from PHP. I have a live account and valid API Login and Key. And I have actvated the Transaction Details API. This accout has been LIVE for years and has many transactions and batches. However, I...


CIM Hosted Page customization?? Solved

Hi, Can you please let me know if it is possibel to customize the hosted form for CIM. The sample code provided optuions for both Credit Card and ACH. Is it possible to provide only the Credit card option.


I was reviewing the code to connect with and I noticed that the variable CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER never is used, I don'nt know if is recommendable use the variables CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER and CURLOPT_CAINFO to have more security in the co...


Subscription payments created through cim

There are some subscription payments created through woocommerce subscription plugin.When I make call for these transactions using the transactionDetails API then the 'recurringBilling' field comes as false. Is there a way to recognize through the AP...


This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha

We Implemented the AIM methods in PHP after completed the test transaction by using the developer account.But we are getting the response as below, Response Code - 2 Response Subcode - 2 Response Reason Code - 205 Response Reason Text - This transact...

Login Credentials to run Sample App

Hi,I am trying to run a sample app using this link: it require login id and pasword,when I am providing my sandbox credentials it is not accepting and if I have to provide authorize... has updated their SSL certificates

Today we had to update the SSL certificates on our server to re-enable secure communications. They have updated their SSL certs. We found 3 certs which we updated to make sure the chain was recognized by our server. Depending on your se...


Using SDK for DPM

Hi, I am Leon, I am New to this system and need assistance in intergrating this software for our Website. I currently using the sample SDK code of the Coffee Example. Besides adjusting the CSS Code, and API Login and Tansaction Key, what other adjust...

Intermittent SSL errors

Processing transactions through ActiveMerchant in Rails and I'm getting similar errors that were mentioned in this post: The actual...

Contributor integration queries using CIM

Hi, 1. How getHostedProfilePageRequest getHostedProfilePageResponse APIs work? 2. Can we register/update/delete credit card using standard APIs (over https) from custom page instead of Hosted form approach? 3. Is it possible to restrict only single c...