Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

iOS5 Integration - Compile Time Errors

I've been trying to get the iOS SDK working in a new app. The app targets iOS 5.1. HOW I GOT TO THIS POINT Initially I simply added the SDK as a library (dragged all the files into my project) and received 30+ compiler errors (Xcode stopped counting ...

Transaction Details API Test Locked

When I tried test Transaction Details API such as 'Get all the batches settled', I got exception "Error processing request: E00011 - Access denied. You do not have permission to call the Transaction Details API."I used Test Account API Login ID and T...

Transactions not settling - How often in test environment... Locked

My transactions from the past couple days have not settled yet... and I'm trying to test refunds and can't since they are still unsettled.... How can I get them to settle manually... or how often are they suppose to settle on their own? Thanks in adv...

Seriously Lost... Locked

I have to move a company away from PayPal, and into Authorize.Net. However, I am absolutely lost. I am a recent graduate of IT, and a beginner Developer, but I did not write this code, and it is confusing me.I am including a zip file with the PHP cod...

Is CIM GetCustomerProfile PCI Compliant? Locked

I'm using hosted CIM forms to capture user credit card information. After a user enters their payment info, I'd like to make the GetCustomerProfile api call in order to retrieve the customerPaymentProfileId. It returns masked credit card info but the...

Integration with CIM Locked

We are trying to integrate one of our website using CIM method. When shopper comes to our site for the first time we call the API createCustomerProfile with shipping nad billing information and also credit card information.We get the response with cu...

Prior Authorization Capture using C# SDK Solved Locked

I have my test system setup using the C# SDK for AIM , and due to our company's ordering process, we need to do an Authorization first, then capture the authorization separately. I initially did this using the Capture transaction type, but that obvio...


Suggestions Locked

Hope you are doing well.I want to use authorize payment in my website, a simple transaction i need that is, user will buy credits that will use in my site. They just input how many credits they want to buy. Few things i want to ensure that:- I don't ...


Soft Descriptors Solved

Is it possible to change the soft descriptor that shows up on customers' statements?

Authorize.Net C# Library 1.7.1 Issues Locked

1. Null ref exceptoin when calling CustomerGateway.UpdatePaymentProfile. Error is atPaymentProfile.ToAPI()line: result.payment.Item = card;result.payment is null. 2. CustomerGateway does not have a call for GetCustomerPaymentProfile. Thanks.

Seal not displaying on login page Locked

Hi,I'm running Hotspots with the seal on the captive portal/login page. I am unable to get the seal to display properly to hotspot customers.The url of the seal is placed in my server/router "walled garden" which allows th...


AIM - No response after submission Solved Locked

Hello All,We had this code on a Server 2000 machine and after moving them to Server 2008 the process errors out. The code inserts the data into our dB and seems like its trying to process with Authorize but stops at 500 - Internal server error.Any id...

CIM + Recurring Billing Locked

I am more familiar with ARB to do recurring billing, but want to learn more about CIM.I read that CIM is a candidate for recurring payments.I have read on the forums that you do a CRON job. Is it possible for someone to present an example of a CRON j...


Simple Checkout Validation Locked

I have integrated simple check out form with my website, but i need to validate the fields that in checkout form. I tried submitting the values empty and the form got submitted. How i can do validation on these fields?

Invalid Capture Amount

I have the Payment Action set to Authorize only in the backend of my Magento store. When I go to capture the order at a later time through my backend, I get an error stating "Invalid order amount". Anyone know why?

I am not receiving Silent Posts for ARB transactions Solved Locked

I have set up a Silent Post URL on a live (production) account and then created subscriptions using ARB integration from my web site. I'm using the trial credit card number: 4 followed by 15 1s. The subscriptions show up on my authorize...


Error coming after moving production account details(CIM) Locked

Hi Team, We have integrated the CIM with our application. Its working fine able to (create customer profile, payment profile, transactions ) perfectly. But when we tried the same moving to production environment by changing merchantid,t...

Relay response problems after hosted payment form for SIM Locked

I have looked through the posts and find some that deal with problems relating to Relay response issues. My situation is similar with one BIG difference. When I use my developer loginId, TransactionKey, and Post URL to everything w...


Can we test with test creditcards in profuction account Locked

hi Tea, I have done settings for production to TestMode also configuration to testmode. When I try to create payment profile using test credit card details, its showing below error message:The payment gateway account is in Test Mode. Th...


CIM PHP API and Billing Address Solved Locked

I'm trying to use the CIM PHP API to charge a possibly different dollar amount each month on a subscription. The customer will enter their information on my site, the customer and payment profile will be created in CIM using the API, and I'll store t...

How can we test Silent Post (ARB) Locked

Hello All, I am a developer whish to integrate ARP, I have made page for receiving and updating payment information based on the documentation provided. But I am not sure how can we test this Silent Post for of ARP payment. Thanks


Error when posting to SIM Locked

Error: "The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive". I hid the login and hash values, but I have verified that both it and the transaction key are correct. The account is in Live mode, and everything seems cor...


Secret Question On Test Account Solved Locked

Hi, We are trying to integrate our pos software to sign on test account. Now we are testing but every time when we try to change something on web interface we got secret question and answer. But we don't know it. And when we are sing...