Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Connection Failure Locked

Anybody else encountering this today? lost 15 transactions already!

GetTransactionList function - Missing BatchSettlementID Locked

Hi, I'm using the GetTransactionList function to download all the transactions for a given period and for reconciliation purpose I need the BatchSettlementID, or BatchSettledOn values.The problem is that BatchSettlementID is always NULL and the Batch...


customer payment profiles in CIM method - PHP Solved Locked

Hi everyone, I have a question about payment profile.After the customer have a customerProfileId he can write a few payment profile(if he has more than one credit card).How can i check if the customer payment profile has been created without knowing ...

Array Error Locked

Since I can not find how to post new I will post here. This code provided by teh developer guide triggers an error on reading the array. Any ideas why: Array response_array = post_response.Split('|');int ResponseCode = response_array[0];resultSpan.Te...


Blank Data in Merchant Email Receipt Locked

Hi all, I am at my wits end. I have a site for a client that I based off of a 3rd party job search/posting site ( and in order to use the site you need to pay for a recurring subscription. The cart has the option to use authoriz...


My server is being sent UDP packets by Cybersource Corp. Locked

I started doing reporting yesterday, and noticed for the first time UDP packets coming from Cybersource. Could have been being done earlier, but I just did not notice till now. The packets are being either rejected or ignored by the firewall, can't r...

Error: Track2 Data Not in Valid Format Locked

Wondering why I get this message? I'm sure the swiper is setup right because when I look at the swipe data it checks out. I read in the SDK docs that the beginning and ending characters must be removed. Still no luck. Wondering what else it could be?...

Description never shows anywhere Locked

I am trying to put in transaction data from the gateway but the description value never shows, no matter if it's a single line transaction or multi item transaction. Did this ever get fixed?

SIM Intergration in Home Page/Post Locked

Greetings - I've read just about every thread related to SIM as well as the developer's guide and still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to set up payment processing for an upcoming fundraising event. If you go here: gazellefoundatio...

Bug in java SDK Locked

net.authorize.cim.Result.importCustomerProfile the linecustomerProfile.setCustomerProfileId(getElementText(profile_el, AuthNetField.ELEMENT_CUSTOMER_PAYMENT_PROFILE_ID.getFieldName())); should becustomerProfile.setCustomerProfileId(getElementText(pro...

Integration of WP E-Commerce Gold Cart with

Hello, We are using the following plugin in the site: 1) Gold Cart for WP E-Commerce version: 2.9.72) WP E-Commerce Version: We are using UPS as a Shipping Module for the shipping charges during the checkout. We are using AI...

Newbie setting up sim error 99 Locked

I'm just switching over to SIM from another payment gateway. I can process payments from my virtual terminal with no problem, however when I try from my website I get a error 99. First, I was getting an error 97 which has to do with tim...

Default Shipping Address Solved

HI All, I am a newbie to And for the first time itself I am working on CIM. I am using the popup iframe for creating billing and shpping information. I see that CIM provides, multiple billing and shipping address information for each u...

Integation Locked

I have a problem with integration of library. When i am trying to use AuthNet *an = [AuthNet getInstance]; [an setDelegate:self]; [an mobileDeviceLoginRequest: mobileDeviceLoginRequest]; i am getting error in following code block in libXML in parse.h...

Verify Merchant Credentials Locked

Hi, I have a situation where the merchant enters his credentials, so that the website processes the payment. I would like to know how to validate merchant credentials so that when wrong credentials are provided an error can be displayed. Is this poss...


Charge in USD - Foreign CC Statement? Locked

Hi,I will be charging all customers in USD currency. However, I was just wondering how would the USD amount that I charge show up on my international customer's credit card statement?I'm guessing it shows the amount in their home currency, but does i...


Passing Airline Data Locked

We function almost as a travel agent between card holders and the card issuing bank,and we are required pass airline data to the card issuing bank for our customers. This information is required in order for the customers to receive "points" on their...


getSettledBatchList Testability Locked

Trying to get a settled batch report using a developer ID. I am calling using the Java SDK. The response is:ErrorE00011Access denied. You do not have permission to call the Transaction Details API. Is it this possible to test this? It is very possibl...


Checking to see if CC is valid Locked

I need to check to see if the credit card is valid. If I do a "authOnlyTransaction" does this show up on the customer bank account as pending? I will not be processing a transaction to go with the "authorize only". I simply wish to check and make sur...

AIM API call with DLL 1.6.0 - SecurityPermission error Locked

I'm getting this error intermittently in my server farm. I'm currently trying to track down if this is related to specific servers or not. I am not having any issues on servers running window server 2008 but the windows server 2008 R2 boxes are havin...

A total beginner and running out of error 13 answers. Locked

I've taken over a website project. Somebody dropped the ball, so I have to try and finish this. Their current site is still active, and I'm trying to get the test "buy coffee" site to work on a separate i.p. location, where we'll point the name when ...


CIM timed out on redirect Solved Locked

Am so close, I think?Running CIM PHP sample code and all is working. However, want to redirect to for payment profile create. Have added get token to index.php as follows:... Delete Customer Profile
Get Hosted Pro...

Custom Item description columns in SIM Locked

I have decided to use SIM API for a project, where client sells service and not a product. From SIM guide I found that item description has the following columns item, description, qty, taxable, unit price and item total. As we are sell... Credit Card API Data Locked

what is requires so we can send name address etc to the API and get some Security Settings.For Example:If Name on Card does Not match the Name submitted we can be notify and decide how to handle. Another example Postal Code don't match.which API can ...


Verify Credit Card With Random Amount? Solved Locked

Hi, I want to implement a "verify credit card" feature where the user will need to verify a random amount (e.g. $3-$10) that has been charged to their credit card before they are able to use this credit card for future orders. I will be saving the cr...


What is InvoiceNumber? Locked

hi Use TransactionID get TransactionDetails.But I can get Amount ,InvoiceNumber but don't get Order Message or OrderItem message.why? have any idea?thanks what means of the InvoiceNumber, and why can't get OrderMessage or OrderitemMessage.