Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
How do integrate with basic shopping carts? Locked
I purchased the wordpress StoreBox theme from because it offers as a payment gateway option. They're ecommerce framework is called eComFrameWork. When I go to change the settings for the payment gatew... Hosted Payment Form - eChecks - Double Entry Locked
Hi All, I am using the hosted payment form since my company is not PCI compliant. Specifically we use the eCheck feature. Unfortunately, only verify the routing number in the initial acceptance. On occasion, we get a custo...
Android POS Locked
I'm trying to design a POS on an Android Tablet, in an environement consisting 1) Card Swiper ( Connected to the Tablet)2) Webserver ( For Interacting with Autorize.Net) Scenario: Both the Merchant and the customer are at the same premises. The merch...
how can i register a real Merchant Account ?
hello ,I want to register a real Merchant Account. but i can find where can register it.. and i not find file or other info can introduction the step. can help me ?
Choosing a method Locked
It's been awhile since I did an integration and I'm currently wondering which implementation method to use (AIM, SIM, Direct Post Method, etc.). Is there any sort of document to help one choose or any kind of laundry list of features to...
Which CIM API should I be using Locked
I am new to and would like some advice on the best API to use for my application. I need to post transactions from a Windows 7 Professional computer. The customers purchase on account during the month and at the end of the month I would...
getting started with CIM in Ruby Locked
I'm interested in implementing CIM with ruby and heroku. Can someone point me to code examples for CIM and ruby? One more question - what are the required fields to charge a card? The sandbox example asked only for card number and expiration date. Wh...
Two Address Lines - CIM? Locked
Hi, Is it possible to save 2 address lines using CIM? Thank you, olimits7
Silent Post issue using SIM Locked
I am a developer with a test account. If I test using Authorize .Net’s virtual terminal, my silent post works. If I submit a form (using the SIM process), it does not work. What I mean by not work is my silent post simply writes out a txt file to my ...
Members Area | PHP Locked
Hello.I'm just getting started here.I'm trying to set up a protected members area.I'm on Linux/Apache/PHP/MySQL, and I have SSL.Looks like I'd probably want to use the AIM API?? I guess I'm ideally looking for a script that is already created, either...
DPM and Merchant defined data fields Locked
I'm new to authorize and I'm currently trying to implement DPM on my website. I have read that you can add merchant defined data fields just not sure how. I want to add the users email so a email receipt can be sent to the user and since I required t... money transfer Locked
Can I transfer money using I understood the customer -> merchant payment and integration. But ca I, as a merchant, transfer money to an account?
Warning: fsockopen(): SSL: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Locked
Hello, We have built a Drupal site running on IIS 7 on Windows 2008 R2. When we submit a request to create a Payment Profile to it usually goes through beautifully. However sometimes we receive this error "Warning: fsockopen(): SSL: An ...
CIM and Affiliate Code Integration Locked
Hello, I'm not a developer at all so unfortunately I can't understand any developer manuals but I believe my question is relatively simple. My affiliate program gave me the following code to integrate into my checkout. It works, but the value always...
API not working with Recurring Payments Locked
Our API seems to work fine on regular payments, however it for some reason erases the address when they select to have a recurring payment. I'm assuming there is something wrong with the way we have set up the API. The following is what my programmer...
Drupal: Use UC-recurring+CIM or ARB? Locked
OK, so I'm using Drupal6 Ubercart with's CIM and ARB. Orders are capturing data in both ARB and CIM. But I can't figure out which is best. Both seem buggy with Drupal + Ubercart. I also have UC_recurring up and running as well, and was going...
Process a transaction CIM using PHP Solved Locked
When I post transaction to my developer account using I dont get the isSuccessful nor an AuthCode returning back from the xml."my code never goes in the (if ($cim->isSuccessful())) statement" Is this cause the credit card really...
developer portal login Solved Locked
I can't seem to find the login link to login to the developer see the backend...The link to it is hard to find or non-exsistant?I see Affiliate Login..
Intermittent Connection Failures to CIM
We use the test/sandbox AIM/CIM APIs environments extensively in our automated builds and have for some time. We're seeing intermittent connection issues particularly to CIM starting yesterday morning. Are there on-going issues right now? When will t...
AIM Prior_auth_capture
Hi I am trying to do a Prior_auth_capture and i notice that i can supply EITHER the auth code or the transaction ID. The API reference says to go with the auth code. Does it make a difference? Is one preferred for any reason?
CIM card declined Solved Locked
im using the test credit cards and posting to I know the card numbers are right for testing..there an issue, cause I get credit card declined all day long.. I am using CIM.. and code base is PHP
AIM Integration Issue, Using C# SDK Locked
Hey, I am having an integration error using the C# SDK. When testmode is enabled, my code works fine, and the developer confirmation email is sent appropriately. When I disable testmost, and update my API TransactionKey/Login I run into issues. When ...
Direct Post Method and PHP 4.4 Locked
I'm following the DPM dev guide and it's saying I need to use the PHP SDK. Unfortunately the SDK requires PHP 5.2+. How can I use DPM with PHP 4? Is documentation available for this?
why GetTransactionDetail or GetTransactionList is fail. looks my code Solved Locked
I want getTransactionDetail or GetTransactionList. sample:public static void GetAuthroizeMessage(String apiLogID, String transactionKey) { Merchant merchant = Merchant.createMerchant(Environment.SANDBOX, apiLogID, transactionKey); Transaction transac...
How to call PopUp from controller or javascript not by click in CIM? Locked
Hi guys, In Rails framework, I need to call the lightbox to add payment method by using AuthorizeNetPopup.openAddPaymentPopup(). But based on the design, the popup should be triggered by other ways not by clicking the normal button.For example, users...
when i update my client credit?? Locked
when should i update my client credit... e.g if i got responce from authorize "The transaction is successful" and its show on my account Captured/Pending Settlement .Should i update my client balance or wait for settlement ????
CIM transaction query Locked
Hi,I got following responce from authorize transaction (CIM module) The transaction was successful.responseReasonCode = 1responseReasonText = This transaction has been approved.approvalCode = some codetransId = some transaction id 1) I got status of ...
Simple as possible SIM integration Solved Locked
Hi, Here's what I need to do: 1. Set up a form on my website, which asks the user to enter a reference number and amount (in $USD).2. They submit these two values and go to to enter their credit card details. So I've downloaded the Clas...
First time connectivity test Locked
I'm trying to connect for the first time using a test account. I'm trying to run both the sample application and the test code from the AIM method. I'm getting the following error message: AuthorizeNet Error: Response Code: 3 Response Subcode: 1 Resp... C# sdk reporting gateway Locked
I am exploring C# ReportingGateway class and calling its GetTransactionList method returns list of transactions. I noticed few transactions have null values for fields like first name, last name and email. When I check transactions list...