Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


hosted CIM coupled with CIM API Locked

I'm wondering if it's possible to use the hosted CIM API option to allow user's to create and edit their payment profiles and then somehow get the relevant information(payment profile ID) to process a payment through the normal CIM API? This way my s...

MD5 how-to Locked

I have been reading the documentation about MD5 implementation but I am confused. For example, if I enter, say "apple" (not that I would, but that's a readable example) in my MD5 settings under my account setting, do I just use: require_once 'anet_ph...

$_REQUEST causing amount error in Response Code 99? Locked

When I change the url in the php script below to a php script consisting of just , I see that is receiving a different fingerprint than when I use the Response Code 99 tool.I can only guess that the amount obtained via $_REQUEST is diff...

Validate that the transaction can be made Locked

Hello, Is there any way that we can validate that the transaction can be made. I mean an "Authorize Only" type of transaction, since the actual transaction will be at the end of the day? We are using php for testing a t this moment with direct post m...


creating a subscription from existing transaction Locked

I'm using the SIM API and i made test transaction. It went through successfuly and i see that i can create a subscription from that transaciton. It pulls up the credit card number as "XXXX0012" and the exp date "XXXX". I left those values in their re...

ARB - Use AIM or SIM/CIM? Locked

I just started looking at Authorize.Net so before I go too far I would like to know my options for handling subscription payments that may change over time. I will be offering a service that will have tiered monthly features/rates, for example Free, ...

osCommerce and Recursive Billing Solved Locked

Hi, We are looking to allow split payments for some of our products (for example, $600.00 broken into $50 per month for 12 months). We currently use osCommerce, and I don't see any option to do such thing. I understand this is probably a more suitabl...

Best Source for Documentation Locked

I am new to this technology. I have tried to read / use the documentation but it seems to be written for people who already know what they are doing with the API. It's more of a reference guide than an aid to getting started. When I try to find answe...

ARB issue without doing ARB manually Locked

Hello, I have a site that is set up with and ARB. I am not a developer by any means but I wanted to know if this was possible and how to implement it onto the site. The ARB works fine when I manually go in and change the subscription to...


Customize billing information in hosted CIM option

I am using hosted CIM option for adding a new payment method. Can I send my default billing information while opening the form so that billing information is filled with default values when form get opened. Thanks in advance !!

Mutliple merchant allocatin but one gateway Locked

I work for a software company and have a client that has 4 merchant accounts via 1 auth net gateway. They would need us to program which of the merchant accounts a specific transaction goes to via a round robin and based upon the limit by merchant. D...


CIM - Credit Card Type Locked

Using the CIM method, it doesn't seem like there's anywhere to specify the TYPE of the credit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc). Am I correct on that? Is that really not needed? (And if it makes a difference, I'm using the SOAP method for submission.) Tha...

Questions on DPM and MVC Solved Locked

We are looking at possibly using's DPM solution for our cc processing. The plan is to use mvc as the host application. Here are a few questions that I need answered. 1) Is there a way to pass in extra info to be passed back to the su...

Authorize.NET AIM with Multiple Items/Products using PHP? Locked

Hi I'm developing a web application and needs to Integrate it with Authorize.NET AIM. I have tested the code provided by Authorize.NET it works fine for Single product. This code has an option to use for line items and is commented by default. I unco...

iPhone AIM integration Solved Locked

Hi All, I'm developing an iPhone application which allow user to use a credit card reader to capture the credit card details or the user can manually key in the credit card details. My question is can the iPhone application directly post the credit c...

CIM Notification for Expiration of Credit Cards

I know that CIM only sends back masked data for credit card expiration due to PCI requirements. However, I wonder if would add an object to the returned XML that would allow us to see the credit card is expiring soon. For example, perha...

aim and recurring payments Locked

I setup an orderform that sends payments via aim. How do I enable recurring payments? Is this something that can be done in the control panel of Or do I need to do it programatically? Also do I need to save credit cards locally to do t... profileTransRefund with no transId Locked

I am trying to submit transactions which remove money from the merchant account and place them into CIM account records. This is used by insurance companies which pay commissions via ACH accounts. I am trying to submit and unlinked transaction in dem...


URGENT. Please respond if you know anything about this issue Locked

I have a real issue with this. A few minutes ago I was able to create a new customer record using the CIM API (developer account) without any issue. Now I am trying to create a new customer record (with all information being different). I am using th...


Error E00039 Locked

I have a real issue with this. A few minutes ago I was able to create a new customer record using the CIM API (developer account) without any issue. Now I am trying to create a new customer record (with all information being different). I am using th...


Relayed response - no receipt page shown or url redirect Locked

We are using Server Integration Method (SIM) in c# We succeed to pass payment info, and after submitting it, the relayed response is working, but the receipt page is never showen - the following error occurred: An error occurred while trying ...


How do I get response code for CIM PHP SDK? Locked

I am using the following code$customerProfile = new AuthorizeNetCustomer; $customerProfile->description = "Description of customer"; $customerProfile->merchantCustomerId = "honululu27"; $customerProfile->email = ""; // Add payment pro...


Can't find Response Reason Code Locked

I am using AIM and I downloaded the C# SDK. I can get the Response Reason by way of the Message property, but not the Response Reason Code. I know it's basically the same info, but can I get the actual code in some way?

Update Payment profile CIM Locked

hi,i am wondering about update payment profile.i just want update payment profile without reenter the creditcard number. If I send a masked credit car number pad with xxxx and XXXX like (eg : xxxx1234,XXXX,3456)it returns the following error "cardNum...