how can i get my MD5 Hash number please help i am new here . i also want to know if i can have both aim and sim together ??? if i just use simple check out do i need to use md5 hash number and my api login and my transaction keys?
11-11-2011 06:20 PM
i really need help with this problem
11-11-2011 11:40 PM
Login to your account
Settings - Security Settings - General Security Settings - MD5-Hash.
Yes you can use any API together.
No. The simple checkout button contain a unique id that will link with your account and item.
11-12-2011 09:08 AM
You can use SIM and AIM on the same site for different things, however SIM submits to an payment form, while AIM is used to call internally, so you'd probably never use them on the same page. People generally use one or the other.
11-12-2011 07:02 PM
@TJPride wrote:You can use SIM and AIM on the same site for different things, however SIM submits to an payment form, while AIM is used to call internally, so you'd probably never use them on the same page. People generally use one or the other.
ok did you get my private message i sent you ??
11-12-2011 10:20 PM
The PM marker doesn't really stand out, so I didn't notice until you posted. I sent you back a reply.
11-13-2011 05:04 AM
@TJPride wrote:The PM marker doesn't really stand out, so I didn't notice until you posted. I sent you back a reply.
i pm you back
11-13-2011 05:38 PM
TJPride i private message you back
11-14-2011 01:02 AM