I am using CIM from a Ruby on Rails app (Rails 3.1, ruby 1.9.2). I am currently using the sample code to call CreateProfile and GetCustomerProfile. I am working with the test api, and am successfully creating user profiles, sending them to you guys to enter their credit card, and receiving the user back when they complete that process.
I am having trouble parsing the customerPaymentProfileId out of the XML response for GetCustomerProfile. My code for this, which is a shamless edit of the sample code:
def GetCustomerProfile(profileId) # returns paymentProfileId paymentProfileId = '' Rails.logger.debug Rails.logger.debug '---------------------' Rails.logger.debug 'Getting Customer Profile ...' xml = SetApiAuthentication($xmlGetCustomerProfile) xml = xml.sub('@profileId@', profileId) doc = SendXml(xml) success = IsSuccess(doc) if !success PrintErrors(doc) else Rails.logger.debug doc.root paymentProfileId = REXML::XPath.first(doc.root, '/*/customerPaymentProfileId').text Rails.logger.debug Rails.logger.debug 'New customerPaymentProfileId = ' + paymentProfileId end return paymentProfileId end
Watching the logs, I see the response arrive intact. The response passes muster in the IsSuccess() function. I can see the customerPaymentProfileId in there:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <getCustomerProfileResponse xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd"> <messages> <resultCode>Ok</resultCode> <message> <code>I00001</code> <text>Successful.</text> </message> </messages> <profile> <merchantCustomerId>3333</merchantCustomerId> <description>some description</description> <email>m33333n@gmail.com</email> <customerProfileId>5332967</customerProfileId> <paymentProfiles> <customerPaymentProfileId>4720154</customerPaymentProfileId> <payment> <creditCard> <cardNumber>XXXX0002</cardNumber> <expirationDate>XXXX</expirationDate> </creditCard> </payment> </paymentProfiles> </profile> </getCustomerProfileResponse>
This is returning nil:
REXML::XPath.first(doc.root, '/*/customerPaymentProfileId')
Yet that exact sytax succeeds earlier when processing CreateProfile, in the provided sample code:
def CreateProfile(email) # returns profileId profileId = '' Rails.logger.debug Rails.logger.debug '---------------------' Rails.logger.debug 'Creating Customer Profile with email = ' + email + ' ...' xml = SetApiAuthentication($xmlCreateProfile) xml = xml.sub('@email@', email) doc = SendXml(xml) success = IsSuccess(doc) if !success PrintErrors(doc) else profileId = REXML::XPath.first(doc.root, '/*/customerProfileId').text Rails.logger.debug Rails.logger.debug 'New customerProfileId = ' + profileId end return profileId end
Lovely, eh? Any suggestions, fine peoples?
10-26-2011 02:36 PM - edited 10-26-2011 02:38 PM
I did not understand how to navigate the XML correctly. Nesting matters, of course. The correct syntax is:
REXML::XPath.first(doc.root, '/*/profile/paymentProfiles/customerPaymentProfileId')
Please move along.
10-26-2011 03:45 PM