If i'm selling a product that requires a deposit, of say 20% of the total, i should be utilizing the split tend/partial authorization transaction, correct?
If this is the case, does the cardholder data need to be submitted again to collect the remaining 80% or is it temporarily stored?
If it's stored, how long can split tend/partial authorization transactions be open?
Is there any sample code or online tutorials that illustrate using split tend/partial authorization transactions?
10-02-2011 01:43 PM
I don't think it's currently possible to pre-authorize a transaction and then authorize parts of it twice, if that's what you're proposing. There was a thread on this some time back where someone else was trying to do the same thing. What you could do is authorize and capture the deposit and then authorize the other 80% and capture it later - essentially two separate transactions. Either way, you're going to be billed two transaction fees.
10-02-2011 10:31 PM
i can't do that. Authorizations are only good for around 10 days. I need much much longer. I have no idea what to do. Its looking like i'll need to make two completely separate authcapture transactions. There's no hope of easily transferring authnet data to quickbooks if i do that though.
10-03-2011 06:44 AM
Ok then, maybe you should use CIM to set up a customer profile and billing profile, bill the 20% immediately and then have an automated process bill the other 80% whenever it comes due.
10-03-2011 08:04 PM