I have attempted to use the provided test data from the Cybersource documentation to create a token for a test PAN. However, when attempting to do so (assuming it was a REST Api) it results in a "403 - Forbidden" error. The documentation is limited, as it doesn't give much information on the API other than the following:
(Test) Endpoint: https://testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/silent/token/create
Request to create a standalone payment token:
reference_number=123456789 transaction_type=create_payment_token currency=usd amount=100.00 locale=en access_key=e2b0c0d0e0f0g0h0i0j0k0l0m0n0o0p3 profile_id=0FFEAFFB-8171-4F34-A22D-1CD38A28A384 transaction_uuid=02815b4f08e56882751a043839b7b481 signed_date_time=2013-07-11T15:16:54Z signed_field_names=comma separated list of signed fields unsigned_field_names=comma separated list of unsigned fields signature=WrXOhTzhBjYMZROwiCug2My3jiZHOqATimcz5EBA07M= payment_method=card card_type=001 card_number=4111111111111111 card_expiry_date=12-2022 card_cvn=005 bill_to_forename=Joe bill_to_surname=Smith bill_to_email=joesmith@example.com bill_to_address_line1=1 My Apartment bill_to_address_city=Mountain View bill_to_address_postal_code=94043 bill_to_address_state=CA bill_to_address_country=US
Is this a REST or SOAP API? How can this be tested in Postman? I tested to check if either works, and was unsuccessful. There is no information on what to include in the header either, so this is a bit puzzling.
Example POST test I am attempting:
POST https://testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/silent/token/create Content-Type:application/json Accept:application/json { reference_number:123456789 transaction_type:create_payment_token currency:usd amount:100.00 locale:en access_key:e2b0c0d0e0f0g0h0i0j0k0l0m0n0o0p3 profile_id:0FFEAFFB-8171-4F34-A22D-1CD38A28A384 transaction_uuid:02815b4f08e56882751a043839b7b481 signed_date_time:2019-03-07T06:16:54Z signed_field_names:profile_id,access_key,transaction_uuid,signed_field_names,unsigned_field_names,signed_date_time,locale,transaction_type,reference_number,auth_trans_ref_no,amount,currency,card_type,card_number,card_expiry_date,card_cvn,payment_method,bill_to_forename,bill_to_surname,bill_to_email,bill_to_address_line1,bill_to_address_city,bill_to_address_postal_code,bill_to_address_state,bill_to_address_country unsigned_field_names: signature:WrXOhTzhBjYMZROwiCug2My3jiZHOqATimcz5EBA07M= payment_method:card card_type:001 card_number:4111111111111111 card_expiry_date:12-2022 card_cvn:005 bill_to_forename:Joe bill_to_surname:Smith bill_to_email:joesmith@example.com bill_to_address_line1:1 My Apartment bill_to_address_city:Mountain View bill_to_address_postal_code:94043 bill_to_address_state:CA bill_to_address_country:US }
08-23-2022 11:50 PM
"Is this a REST or SOAP API?" The URL, https://testsecureacceptance.cybersource.com/silent/token/create, shaglevoojio is used for Secure Acceptance Checkout API. Secure Acceptance Checkout API is neither a SOAP API or a REST API. It is designed to be used as an HTML form POST from a customers browser.
If your goal is to use a REST API from the browser then you will want to use Secure Acceptance Flexible Token documented here.
If your goal is to use Secure Acceptance Checkout API the full documentation for that is here.
"How can this be tested API omegle in Postman?" Since this is not meant to be a REST API call but an HTML form POST and HTML response you may have limited success with Postman. For example even if you get the request to work successfully the response will be an HTML document not JSON.
One problem I see is that you are using the example signature, and that will not work for you. Ensure that you follow the documentation on how to create your signature as well as set the signed and unsigned fields.
08-24-2022 04:36 AM