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since ‎09-23-2015

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I'm displaying an add payment form for CIM customers using with a billing address required.The country field appears to default to USA. Is it possible to choose another default? I'm implementing a solu...
Suddenly today some of my users are receiving the error "Customer Information Manager is not enabled" when attempting to add a card using a Hosted form, or edit a card using a hosted form. Coult this be related to recent changes? CIM is certainly ena...
I'm using the Hosted Forms within a FileMaker Pro solution. The Hosted Forms are loaded on a FileMaker layout using a "Web Viewer" which uses the default OS web engine, Safari on macOS. I'm running into an issue adding cards where the cursor moves ba...
Using the Accept Customer hosted forms for CIM management. Is there any way to affect the order of the fields displayed? For instance on the edit payment form, the country and zip come before city and state, it would be more intuitive for our users t...
Using the API method getHostedProfilePageRequest to load hosted forms for managing CIM profiles. On the hosted form for editing a payment profile, the CVV field is not editable unless the parameter "hostedProfileCardCodeRequired" is set to true on th...