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since ‎08-12-2011

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My current setup goes like this: AIM: - always try to authorize first -- if transaction gets declined: void it .. -- else capture it And sometimes I have that issue, that I - get an authorization - BUT the capture gets declined - AND then the whole t...
Hi, we have currently a problem with long names where prename + surname is greater than 22 characters. The ARB specification says: bank > nameOnAccount : - The full name of the individual associated with the bank account number - Up to 22 characters ...
This is what should be the expected behavior:(found here )michelleSo if a merchant's customer decides not to complete a transaction, or ...
Hello, I'm currently integrating into a clients billing system using the AIM API. Via AIM it is possible to either do a transaction via credit card or bank account.Voiding a pending transaction is also possible for both payment types. But refun...