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since ‎11-29-2011

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I'm trying to design a POS on an Android Tablet, in an environement consisting 1) Card Swiper ( Connected to the Tablet)2) Webserver ( For Interacting with Autorize.Net) Scenario: Both the Merchant and the customer are at the same premises. The merch...
Hi, I'm new to payment gateway. I'm trying to build a mobile POS on Anroid Tablet. I have a few basic questions, will you be able to clear those? if you are "Ok" I will post those in this forum. Thank you in Advance. Regards, RAJIV
Hello, I'm building an Android App that enables user to pay the Total Due to the Merchant. I stumbled upon your Gateway and was trying to figure out which of the API to use. Since I have an upcoming meeting with the client, I would like to have a che...