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since ‎12-14-2011

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I have getting issue to create Payment profile on Sandbox, getting following error "Error E00001 An error occurred during processing. Please try again." Please let me know any issue in sandbox Response ErrorE00001An error occurred during processing. ...
Can i set transactionType 'profileTransAuthOnly' in echeck createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest and when the proccess complete then charge now? ThanksAnees
I have integrate with our site, it developer account working fine, But when i put on live account i get 'E00027' and '2,2,207' on every 'createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest' Error code # E00027Response Code # 207 sample requaest xml...
I have do live transction and getting following error on charge transction ErrorE00027This transaction has been declined2,2,207,This transaction has been declined............auth_capture