When I submit authorizeAndCapture (AuthorizeNetAIM) on sandbox it gives me this " Error connecting to AuthorizeNet" message. Is the sandbox down? I'm experiencing this since yesterday.
AuthorizeNetAIM_Response Object
[_response_array:AuthorizeNetAIM_Response:private] => Array
[approved] =>
[declined] =>
[error] => 1
[held] =>
[response_code] =>
[response_subcode] =>
[response_reason_code] =>
[response_reason_text] =>
[authorization_code] =>
[avs_response] =>
[transaction_id] =>
[invoice_number] =>
[description] =>
[amount] =>
[method] =>
[transaction_type] =>
[customer_id] =>
[first_name] =>
[last_name] =>
[company] =>
[address] =>
[city] =>
[state] =>
[zip_code] =>
[country] =>
[phone] =>
[fax] =>
[email_address] =>
[ship_to_first_name] =>
[ship_to_last_name] =>
[ship_to_company] =>
[ship_to_address] =>
[ship_to_city] =>
[ship_to_state] =>
[ship_to_zip_code] =>
[ship_to_country] =>
[tax] =>
[duty] =>
[freight] =>
[tax_exempt] =>
[purchase_order_number] =>
[md5_hash] =>
[card_code_response] =>
[cavv_response] =>
[account_number] =>
[card_type] =>
[split_tender_id] =>
[requested_amount] =>
[balance_on_card] =>
[response] =>
[error_message] => Error connecting to AuthorizeNet
โ02-25-2015 11:44 PM
If you are using our PHP SDK, you may need to update to the latest version: http://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/The-Authorize-Net-Developer-Blog/Authorize-Net-Begins-In...
โ04-06-2015 12:45 PM
object(AuthorizeNetAIM_Response)[8] private '_response_array' => array (size=0) empty public 'approved' => boolean false public 'declined' => null public 'error' => boolean true public 'held' => null public 'response_code' => null public 'response_subcode' => null public 'response_reason_code' => null public 'response_reason_text' => null public 'authorization_code' => null public 'avs_response' => null public 'transaction_id' => null public 'invoice_number' => null public 'description' => null public 'amount' => null public 'method' => null public 'transaction_type' => null public 'customer_id' => null public 'first_name' => null public 'last_name' => null public 'company' => null public 'address' => null public 'city' => null public 'state' => null public 'zip_code' => null public 'country' => null public 'phone' => null public 'fax' => null public 'email_address' => null public 'ship_to_first_name' => null public 'ship_to_last_name' => null public 'ship_to_company' => null public 'ship_to_address' => null public 'ship_to_city' => null public 'ship_to_state' => null public 'ship_to_zip_code' => null public 'ship_to_country' => null public 'tax' => null public 'duty' => null public 'freight' => null public 'tax_exempt' => null public 'purchase_order_number' => null public 'md5_hash' => null public 'card_code_response' => null public 'cavv_response' => null public 'account_number' => null public 'card_type' => null public 'split_tender_id' => null public 'requested_amount' => null public 'balance_on_card' => null public 'response' => null public 'error_message' => string 'Error connecting to AuthorizeNet' (length=32)
I am facing this error since 3 days ago.This was working fine before this.
โ04-14-2015 12:25 AM
Hi , I have same problem :
[error_message] => Error connecting to AuthorizeNet
please provide me solution.
โ05-29-2015 12:23 AM
I'm seeing this error since yesterday about 5PM EDT. I'm using the PHP SDK using your instructions here: https://developer.authorize.net/integration/fifteenminutes/#custom Using the AMI method.
Part of the response is the following:
public $error_message =>
string(32) "Error connecting to AuthorizeNet"
Every other member in the returned response is NULL.
Please send help :)
โ06-05-2015 07:05 AM
OK, replying to myself, for me to get it working I had to turn off the VERIFY_PEER in the CURL call down in lib/shared/AuthorizeNetRequest.php
public $VERIFY_PEER = false; // Set to false if getting connection errors.
โ06-05-2015 08:17 AM
Hi again - and so a better way to deal with this is to NOT change code in the vendor directories directly, so when you instantiate your AuthorizeNetAIM object set it then. Like so:
$sale = new \AuthorizeNetAIM;
$sale->VERIFY_PEER = false;
โ06-05-2015 08:21 AM
I just downloaded the latest version of the SDK and it still has this problem.
I had to make one additional change to the code to get it working.
In lib/shared/AuthorizeNetRequest.php:
if ($this->VERIFY_PEER) {
curl_setopt($curl_request, CURLOPT_CAINFO, dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/ssl/cert.pem');
} else {
if ($this->_log_file) {
file_put_contents($this->_log_file, "----Request----\nInvalid SSL option\n", FILE_APPEND);
// add comment below or the api will silently fail if VERIFY_PEER is set to false
// return false;
โ08-17-2015 09:37 AM