Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
More issues with CNP refunds
Hello,I am attempting to issue a CNP refund using the following JSON:{ "createTransactionRequest":{ "merchantAuthentication" { "name":"", "transactionKey":"" }, "transactionRequest":{ "transactionType":"refundTransaction", "amount":10.0, "payment":{ ...
Reporting completed transactions with Accept Hosted
I am trying to update from SIM to using the Accept Hosted payment form solution. I am redirecting the users to the Authorize Net payment form, so I can keep the existing behavior of SIM without needing to embed the form in my own page. I would like t...
Get Customer Payment Profile Response Processing
Hi, From Get Customer Payment Profile Response , we are getting masked Card Number. Is there any possible ways to get the exact card number from response. If not, can we get original card number from that masked one? if possible give me an example. k...
Visa Debit not working, all cards declined
Hi,We're a new merchant and we're trying to process Visa Debit but no matter what cards we try the transaction is always declined. This is by VT or API. 1. We sent the full card number and expiary 2. We've included the full billing info 3. We've incl...
Charge A Customer Profile - Blank CVV Response
Hello, Is there any way to get a CVV response code back from when charging a customer profile? From what we've seen over the last several days after going live is that the value is 99% blank. When it's not blank we see a value of "S" wh...
E_WC_14: Accept.js encryption failed?
I have a payment form as follows
Secure Checkout
Java 8 TLS 1.2 anet-sdk sandbox hangs on AIM. ARB is ok.
Hi all, Ive been poking around on this site for a while, because I just can't get our app to work on the sandbox. It seems that when we do a test transaction using AIM, the connection just hangs and times out. The sandbox shows the AIM transaction as...
TLS 1.2 not working on Windows server 2008 standard machine
I have setup TLS1.2 on windows7 machine where I installed 4.6 framework and made .net code changes under 4.0 and it started working there but when I did same changes on windows server 2008 server then I am getting same error. I am using code ...
Help Classic asp not posting again.
I'm currently using Dim objRequest, post_responseSet objRequest = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST", post_url, falseobjRequest.send post_stringpost_response = objRequest.responseTextSet objRequest = nothing to submit to a...
E_WC_21: User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values Solved
Hi i know you probably get this question all the time. I've checked through previous posts and have regenerated both client key and transaction key. I'm using the AcceptsJS so the transaction key is irrelevant anyway. This has been working fine in sa...
Hosted Payment Page C# Code
Hi, I have gone through all documents ,but didn't able to find proper guidance to use Hosted Payment page form. I need assistance using c#. Please help me out. "We don't want to store/take customer's card details on our server, due to PCI com...
Resolving E_WC_02 error
We are developing a POC for integrating Resco Mobile CRM App with Accept.js to accept mobile payments. I created below HTML page and when I click on Pay button, I am getting the "E_WC_02: The page that embeds Accept.js must be served over an HTTPS co...
AcceptUI modal not opening for specific user Solved
We are working on implementing accept ui as a replacement for DPM, but one of my testers is having issues. When she clicks on the payment button, the modal does not open, there is no information is the console, just nothing. It works fine for her in ...
Received Hash and generated hash not matching at times
Using accept.js with php. For a small number of transactions, the hashes do not match. The transaction ids and amounts all match and the charge goes through on What could this mean?
Sandbox Accounts: Transactions Submitted via Accept.js were Captured but Unsettled since 2018-03-04
My team use 2 sandbox accounts for testing. Transactions submitted to both the accounts since 2018-03-04 until now were captured but pending settlement. Captured transactions would usually be settled on the following days. All of my team's transactio...
Need clarification on cost of procuring JCB and DINERS CLUB card options in
We are already using with VISA and Discovery options and need to use JCB and DINERS CLUB options alos for making payments. Plesae confirmed how can i request for these additional card options and if it will incur extra cost apart for th...
TLS 1.2 Magento Gateway error: Unable to read response, or response is empty Solved
On our server, we have upgraded our ciphers and TLS settings to match on ssllabs.Ours: They ...
Error on creditcard processing
Hi I am using 3.5 framework, I had implemented work for credit card processing which was working fine last month but now It stopped working, I tried to debug code and getting this errorThe underlying connection was closed: An un...
Accept.js' firstName and lastName not converted completely
On the Accept.js form in sandbox mode (it's not in production yet), as discovered by my QA team, when a first name and last name were entered in all caps, for example JOE and DOE, they were converted and displayed as Joe and Doe respectively on Accep...
Device Timeout on EMVTransactionManager.startEMVTransaction
Hi When trying to make the sample app of the InPerson SDK for Android work on a tablet that is not listed as supported (Lenovo Tab 2 A10-70F upgraded to latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow), first the message "Device plugged in" appears, then 4 seconds la...
Connection Error
We recently started getting errors for CIM profile transactions while connecting to Authorize .Net in production environment. The error that we are getting is: The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send. It was worki...
Failure to Authenticate
Have an older website that cant be upgraded due to older third party custom controls. The server was configured approximately a year ago to use TLS1.2 and all older versions where disabled. This is the soap call being used to initiate the connection....
Account Updater - Moving from CCH/ACL to NAN/NED possible?
It would make sense that ACL would not have any future updates for a card, however I am wondering if a card can move from a bad state (CCH/ACL) to a good state (NAN/NED) over the course of two or more months.
TLS 1.2 Windows 2008 SP2 server
Hello everyone, I still have a box running Windows server 2008 SP2. Deployed .net framework 4.5.2 and verified that indeed the .net framework version used is 4.5.2 I have disabled all protocols except TLS 1.2 (set the Enabled registry key for the oth...
Accept.js is getting triggered twice (2x)
Hi there, wondering if you can help me understand why Accept.js is getting triggered two times, when I'm only (intentionally) calling it once.This is a screengrab of Firefox's "Network" debugger tab, where it shows both calls. It's the "OPTIONS" meth...
Need help updating code for TLS1.2
I have some legacy VB.NET code that we use for our college's Foundation donation forms. As of yesterday they no longer work and I assume it's because I failed to address the TLS 1.0 -> TLS 1.2 issue? At any rate, what code do I have to add (in VB.NET...
Card reader with a custom PHP App
We built a PHP custom app for managing online payments using PHP SDK. Besides online payments, we now like to accept payments at a kiosk ( PC or a iPad) where customers can swipe and make the payments. How can we use a Card reader with ...
TLS 1.2 intermittent failures with Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
Using System.Net.WebClient() to connect via a .NET 4.5 web app running on a Server 2016 box we are seeing odd failures (99% are processing normally)with System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel The ser...
Transacation detail API is returning with 0 batches. Worked fine for several years until today
I am using the PHP and code is returning 0 batches.Worked fine for years and getting this from yesterday 2/28/18.Please Help! $response = $request->getSettledBatchList(true);$response->xml->batchList->batch
ColdFusion issues with TLS 1.2 upgrade Solved (at least for me)
If you're like myself and a few others on here and you're having issues connecting after the upgrade to TLS 1.2 what fixed it for me and a few others is upgrading our Java version to 8 1.8.0_161. Make sure that when downloading you get the correct ty...