Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Card present transactions returning $0 amount in test mode

We are using the AIM SDK with .Net and C# to submit both card present (CP) and card not present (CNP) transactions via the CardPresentGateway class. In test mode, the response always contains amount=$0, even if the transaction was approved. Using the...

Security Code (Captcha)

We are using SIM AIM with a basic contact form in PHP hsoted on wordpress 3.6. anyways, the captcha code is returning code invalid even when it's not. Sometimes the transaction actually goes through. any ideas of why this would be happening? "Sorry t...

SIM Method Automatic Redirection To My Site

Hello Friends, I'm using SIM method. After payment when we came to receipt page we need to click on Link or Button. Then we are going to redirect on our side. Is this possible that after payment when we come on receipt page after 5-10 seconds it will...

CIM createCustomerPaymentProfile E-Mail :

Hello! After creating payment profile through createCustomerPaymentProfile request, I receive an email(Merchant Email Receipt) that contains customer billing information: Customer ID : noneFirst Name : HomerLast Name : SimpsonCompany : Nuclear Power ...

CIM without hosted page Solved

I have a web application that needs to take the customer's credit card information once and then be able to apply payments to that credit card at various times later on. Due to PCI compliance issues, I don't want to store the credit card data on our ...


Missing field name in response..

Anyone know why there's no field name used in return ? I could setup and run test transaction within an hour with success which is greatbut no matter how I tried, response comes without field name which will be hard to decode. According to the manual...

Refund Transaction for CIM and AIM Solved

Hello,we use CIM and AIM. CIM for recurring billing and AIM for single transactions.Would it be possible to pass just the transaction to the method refundTransactionwithout having to pass the cc info? Otherwise I would have to get the CIM or AIM tran...

Android CIM Integration

Hello I'm integrating anet-java-sdk-1.4.6 with my Android application because the anet-java-sdk-android-2.0.5 doesn't provide some cim classes and other functionalities that I currently use in java. So after integrating my code with android, I get er...

Integrating Authorised.Net in ios

Respected Sir,I am using AIM for iPhone in xcode 4.6 with iphone 4s and integrating all your file which i get from file.when i build the program it builds Sucessfully and i called loginGateway it is also calling that class but ...

How do I pass user entered info to the DPM form?

This is the first project I have ever done using as a service, so bear with me please. I have used the "Quick Start Guide" for DPM and was easily able to generate the payents. I then took that form in the AuthrizeNetDMP.php file and mod...

Settle payment to multiple accounts?

Does anyone know if it is possible to have a single transaction settle into multiple bank accounts? We have a recurring membership subscription where the customer pays a single payment, and then we need that payment to be split to 3 service providers...

AVS errors for UK Customers

A number of our customers are having their transactions with us rejected due to AVS errors. The customers contacting customer support insit their address information is correct, and some have verified with their bank. All of the affected customers ar...

(DPM, PHP) Secure Actions on Transaction Approval

I'm using Direct Post method with the PHP sdk, and once the transaction is approved I need to insert the client's data into a database. The client's data is stored in $_SESSION variables, but I can't access these in the relay_response.php page. I can...

Looking to automate response to daily ARB statuses Solved

I've gone through the reporting API manual but I'm not sure that it will give me what I want. I'm currently working on a site in PHP that uses the ARB API. In the Merchant Interface we can of course configure the reporting emails we would like to rec...

SIM Relay Response - Timeout Error

I realize there are many other posts out there about this exact error in regards to SIM relay response, however, I've addressed every possible resolution I can find currently listed, and everything is configured correctly as far as I can tell. So I t...

Virtuemart cart returning as cancelled when using SIM plugin

So, here's a question that I'm struggling with: I have an test account setup and a Virtuemart cart configured for "live" mode to that account. In AIM mode (native to Virtuemart), everything works as would expect. In SIM mode (using a pl...


I'm building an application I'll be hosting on my own server (integrated with wordpress) to interface with the CIM API. It looks like this is the pricing page:$99 setup, $20/...

Simple Checkout Buttons not showing Solved

Hello,I was piinted here by a live chat rep. This is a link to the site page. the buttons do not show up , in their place is 2 text fields. A rep thought is was because the php is interfering. So, I made a s...


Change color on the sides of SIM payment screen

Is there a way using SIM to change the color on the sides of the payment screen? Exactly the way this forum page looks would be great. Grey side panels with the white background page in the middle for the payment information. I've tried the backgroun...

An error occurred during processing. Please try again.

Development server returning this for all transactions, error code 57. We stopped charging cards for half an hour, tried again and got a couple to go through, but then all declined with this error again. I'm guessing it's some kind of system issue be...

Generic integration question(s) Solved

Insert "not a programmer" disclaimer. I have a generic question that is probably too broad to easily answer, but if you have the time, some help would be greatly appreciated. I work for a small non-profit company that provides EMS/Paramedic/CPR train...

Problems with checkout using CIM

Hello,We uploaded woocommerce plugin and hooked it up with and everything goes smoothly until we place the order.When customer clicks on Place the order button, the webpage fades and the site keeps loading endlessly and there is nothing...


SIM Authorization Only followed by Capture Only

Hi, I'm wondering if it's possible using SIM to do the following:1. Post an AUTH_ONLY to Authorize.net2. Merchant receives a successful response containing x_auth_code, which is stored in the merchant's db3. Some time later (perhaps at order shipment...

CIM auth capture validation Solved

Hello, Im using CIM method profileTransAuthCapturedoes this validate the card ie the exp date and funds availableand return an error if the card fails?


AIM and Split Tender Transactions

Hi, I hope this doesnt sound like a stupid question, but is it possible to have split tender transactions in a card-not-present, adavanced integration method environment? I would like to allow the consumer to use more than one card per transaction . ...

Magstripe CC testing Solved

Hey all. I didn't see a topic on this if there is sorry I missed it. Currently, at work we are testing a Point of Sale system with a pin pad. My job is to set up a testing credit card so we can swipe and test. Now I make cards here but I for the life...