Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
Is the address verification feature exposed by the C# library?
Is the address verification feature exposed by the C# library? I'm using the AuthorizationRequest object, and it only accepts values for card #, amount, expiration, and a description.
AIM ARB Java SDK documentation Solved
Get subscription id of recurring transactions
Hello, Is there any API to get the subscription id of a recurring transaction? I can see the subscription id in transaction details in merchaant interface but the getTransactionDetails doesnot return the subscription id for any recurring transaction....
Test International Credit Card Numbers
I have only been able to find domestic test credit card numbers as provided by However, where can I obtain test international credit card numbers? My inability to find such examples suggests that there are none... And if that is the ca...
Re: - simple checkout-the item you requested is no longer available
I have created a website with simple checkout option, where I am offering 7 differnet services with 7 different prices. Now when I have integrated the Simple checkout button, only first two services working fine, not the other 5. and everytime i am g...
Coldfusion DMP Integration
There seem to be a handful of posts regarding DPM sample code for Coldfusion. I have posted some sample code at Github. Basically it's a rewrite of the SIM method and a hack job of the PHP DPM files. I have yet to integrate this method into a live pa...
What API for Type Solution?
Hello All, I'm building a website where I act as a third party (similar to The user will pay for something, I'll hold the money and once the job is complete, I'll release the funds. Is this possible with If so, what AP...
CC expiration Date question
I had created few Customer profile/Payment profile with expired CC date. Initially I thought that Customer profile/Payment profile would be sufficient. But we found out that a transaction ID is must. Can we edit the expiry date? or does have...
CIM ACH Refund in Test Mode/Live Mode
Hi, We are converting AIM to CIM API implementation. I went through couple of articles here about CIM/Non-CIM refunds. ACH transaction doesn't settle in Test Mode. So we couldn't able to test ACH refund in Test Account. But I have to test ACH refund ...
working with DPM - can't get response vars returned
I'm working from pg 75 of DirectPost_guide.pdf says to create 3 pages... checkout_form.phprelay_response.phporder_receipt.php all working - except the only response var that seem to come back if approved = $response->transaction_id I want to see many...
How do I add a service fee
I am new to this and need a way to add a 3% service fee to the amount the person puts in the charge.How can i do this?thanks in advance for any help!
Error (13)
I keep getting a error message saying the API log in & Trans key are incorrect or the account is inactive when I test my page. I am using a php code from the SIM integration and I'm not sure if i am testing it correctly help please!
Understanding SIM,AIM,DPM w/ CIM
Okay, to my understanding. -SIM-AIM-DPM are just methods of communicating with Some require PCI, since you are touching the credit card numbers, while others directly POST to, lessening the compliance needed. I did my res...
Problem with auth_CIM payment transaction
We are facing the issue with the auth_CIM(Customer Information Manager), whenever user trying to make a transaction it gives an error i.e. "Customer Profile ID or Customer Payment Profile ID not found.". This problem invokes with some of the existing...
DPM - Works in Test, Not in Live
I'm stumped. Everything works against the test gateway but not when I set this live. I get: Error in submission: (TESTMODE) The specified security code was invalid. Live and Test Cards fail.
Authorize. net integration with magento
I enabled in magento site. But when i checkout then sometimes am getting this error "(14) The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid" and sometimes it shows "gateway error: This transaction cant be accepted.". I contact...
Authorize.Net SDK for Android not working with Jelly Bean
Hi, when i am using sdk for android aplication in api level 10 then its work fine.but when i use in api leve 17 Jelly bean(Android Verson 4.2) then its not working. so can anyone tell me what is the problem and how i solve this problem...
ARB start date is 1/29. Then, when is the billing date on Feb? The last day?
The document says if the ARB start date is the 31st, billing date will be the last day of the month.What if the start date is 1/29? The billing date will be the last day (28th) for February and 29th for the other months?Thank you!
Receiving Error Unknown error using SIM (test) Solved
I am using the SIM test page and after entering all the proper credit card info I am receiving an"ErrorUnknown error."Message and it stays on the SIM page with all the info still in the text fields. It doesn't seem like the page is trying to go back ...
Hi, I am new to this but reading alot of documentation.Our business provide services so customer who avail services can pay recurring monthly or yearly .If they pay yearly they get 10% discount. We charge according to no. of login and most of the tim...
x_currency_code & x_fp_hash Solved
Does anyone know How to generate a correct x_fp_hash that includes the x_currency_code field ? Right now I am doing it like this:OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('md5'), @gateway.transaction_key, "#{@gateway.login.to_s.rstrip}^#{r...
CIM Unlinked Credit, Getting E00014: Profile ID and Payment Profile ID are required.
I am integrating CIM into our system, when I try to create an unlinked credit, I am getting the error E00014 "Customer Profile ID and Customer Payment Profile ID are required." Here is an example of the code I'm using public void TestUnlinkedCredit()...
Expiration Date in refund transaction Solved
I am trying to refund credit card transactions through the AIM api. Heres my code in php: $this->_constructXml("createTransactionRequest"); ($params['transID'] ? $this->_xml->addChild("refId", $params['transID']) : null); $transactionRequest = $this-...
E00007 Error
We are integrating with eCheck and the Reporting services using C# .NET AuthorizeNet NuGet package. ECheck is authenticating fine, calls to the Reporting service are failing with the E00007 error. I am using the ApiKey and TransactionKey specified in...
Card Code 65 (CVV) on Valid Numbers In Testing Solved
I am using the AIM PHP API to process credit cards for a site I am building. I am using a developer account and I have tried using both the setSandbox(TRUE) function for testing and also turning on TEST MODE in the Merchant interface. I am testing th...
API to get transactions that are older than 2 years Solved
Hi, I am using the getSettledBatchListRequest method and GetTransactionListRequest method to get the list of transactions.But the getSettledBatchListRequest doesn't allow me to get transactions older than Jan 2011. According to the documentation the ...
DPM customizing error relay page
I need some feedback on the best way to handle exceptions in the Relay Response page.Right now, if an exception occurs in our Relay Response Page I am catching the exception, doing some logging and emailing, and then redirecting the user to our recei...
Checking if credit card is good
Using CIM, when my site goes live will know if there is enough money on a credit card? Because we fullfill the order and process it later. I am being asked to verifiy this before we go live. I know the shopping cart uses logic to test t...
Is this code correct for 3 months 3 trial?
Hi, my ARB works but I just had to make a change to it. I checked my test and I don't see the transaction. I dont see it because it occurs I have to wait for 3 months to see this transaction?? I want to have a trial period of ...
How do I log the XML request using the CIM PHP SDK? Solved
I enabled the log but all I'm getting is the xml response from AuthNet. How do I go about recording the xml request itself for debugging?