Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

How to get transaction details after payment occurs? Locked

Hello y'all, I have created an app that uses Accept Hosted with redirect to payment page. Everything works great; I can make payments and the payment transactions are successful. The only thing I need now is to configure the app so that...

Multiple Webhooks for the same event firing Solved

Why is it that when a webhook fires it usually comes in more than once and sometimes comes through the next day? I am getting multiple webhooks firing at random times for the same customers, transcations, actions. For example if I create a subscripti...

NFC mag stripe mode

Has anyone had any success using Authorize.Net to authorize a credit card transaction using track data retrieved from a mobile device via NFC in mag stripe mode? I have an NFC reader than can successfully get the Track 2 Equivalent data for a credit ...


Accept Hosted Customer Email in Transaction Response Solved

Hi All, I'm currently implementing the Accept Hosted payment form and have enabled and required the customer email field (shows in billing info). However, I'm not able to view the email within the transaction response unlike the rest of the customer ...

Relay Response no longer working Solved

Customer contacted me and told me the payment integration stopped working around January, without any changes in our part. I thought it was the md5 hash change but apparently not. Relay Response is simply not working on the site (Authorize.Net live e...

DPM/SIM Fingerprint Expiration - Yes/No Question Solved

Hi, I am helping someone with a SIM integration. I am upgrading them from md5 to sha512. The response validation needs to be updated within 10 days, but per this post-

Bank Data & Accept.js Hosted Form Solved

Good Evening, I am using the "hosted payment information form" as described in the Accept.js documentrion section titled "Integrating the Hosted Payment Information Form" (

Can anyone refer me to developer for MD5Hash update? Solved

I am in quandary as do not have developer. I am using the SIM method and MDHash5 want to upgrade to the accepted host and signature key but not sure how to do. My site is built on php/mysql. If I cannot find someone I am going to have to disable the ...

Accept transaction error

Hi, I am trying to make a transaction that uses Accept token. Inside my request, I specified billing address which has firstname and lastname. I keep getting this error The element 'billTo' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'has in...

Does relay response rewrite links?

After a transaction is completed, a relay response function is called. In it, I display a message, and a link to a specific page on my site. The link itself does not have a target attribute, but when renders it, a target=_blank attribut...

ColdFusion AIM integration: upgrading from MD5 to SHA512

Have an existing, working AIM integration program written in ColdFusion, but currently uses MD5 hash. Am having a hard time finding much in the way of sample ColdFusion code on the site to help in the migration to the SHA512 hash. I've gone in the Sa...

PHP Updating MD5 SIM

well... let me start by saying I am rusty... I built my wifes website MANY years ago and have not been using PHP for anything since.. basically this is what I currently have to handle the response... require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php'; // T...

Accept.JS Hosted Payment Form Styles

Hello!We are using the AcceptJS hosted form in an application and found an odd behavior. When the form is displayed or hidden, the styles applied to show the form are _opacity_ and _visibility_. This is causing issues with how the form is being rende...

Upgrading SIM from MD5 to SHA512 Solved

I have reviewed the MD5 Hash End of Life, and I looked at the sample code. The sample code differs from the SIM guide on page 29 under submitting transactions. When I read this piece it appears that I could change the MD5 had to the SHA512 hash, gene...

MD5 -> SHA-512 Upgrade If Using Latest SDK

I received the notifcation about the EOL for MD5. I'm using AIM method. I saw all the docs about generating a key, convertiging it to a byte aray, setting up the message, etc. Knowing that I need to move away from AIM, I started working on integratin...

Accept.js is not loaded correctly

I've literally copied/pasted this code from the documentation for the Accept.js hosted payment form into an HTML file on my dev server. The documentation is available here:


Acccept Payment Page -> redirect -> customize header and footer

Hello I'm working on the integration of your service with the "Acccept Payment Page" solution.In your documentation, you said that we can use the redirect method.That's what I'm using.The payment page seems very "empty" except the small payment form....

Signature Key and Accept Hosted form

Hi, I have gone through the documented API for Accept Hosted form and the "getHostedPaymentPageRequest" api but I haven't found anyway to send encrypted data including billing information to the API. This is a deal breaker for our customer to be able...

transHashSha2 not present in API response

I have configured the signature key in my Sandbox account. On the "API Credentials & Keys" account setting page, I see "Signature Key Last Obtained:" with the timestamp of when I configured it, so it seems like it really is set. I am using the API Li...

How to redirect to Hosted Payment Page?

Hi, I'm trying to redirect to a hosted payment page using .net with c#. I have the basic app that is getting a token using 'getHostedPaymentPageResponse', and I'm putting the token received to a form and submitting the form to "https://test.authorize...

Sandbox Accept Hosted Form Error

We are trying to get off the legacy hosted payment form, but every time I click pay I get the error below: messageCode: "E00001"messageText: "Unexpected error. Please try again." The problem is coming when running transactions via the Accept Suite. I...

API Endpoints XML - Sandbox Works, Production Does Not

Hi, I am having an issue with Sandbox working everytime and Production failing every time. For Sandbox I use the following code in php:327zFYy67A66szz53F6N67YKauthCaptureTransaction2.70xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I used a real credit card1119002Ryan MooreRyanMo...


Hi,I have an issue with your AuthorizeNet.dll file.I added it under dependency-> assemblies inside my Core2.1 appIt give me no issues once I run build my app and even runs well and charge my demo card but I have issues with my CI under Azure Please s...