Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Accept Hosted Token working but User authentication failing on Pay Solved

Hello all, I'm dealing with a strange issue in our production environment wherein I'm able to post to and display the hosted form properly, but when I hit "Pay" within the hosted form, I end up with the E00007 "Us...

Contributor gives 404

New from this morning. Calls to return 404.Switched back to api.authorize.netAnybody having the same issue ?

Length of productCode field is too short

Hi, I have integrated in the Level III but am running into a problem. The length of the productCode field is a maximum of 15 but many of the values listed are longer than 15. Specifically gift_certificate is 16 characters long. When I run a transacti...

How to confirm transaction was successful?

We are implementing as one of the payment processors on our website. A user should have a possibility to deposit money from his bank card to our website's virtual money balance. During the integration of we:1. use "authCap...


Possible timeout issue using accept.js

I am using accept.js to handle a credit card form (our own form, not a hosted form). We are using almost verbatim the code provided in the accept.js documentation, with some slight modifications to handle UI things like disabling the submit button. W... example code for Accept Hosted

Where is a sample web project for the Accept Hosted solution?I can't find samples anywhere. I only see php which is not helpful. Thanks!

I am currently using PHP SIM do I need to update MD5 ?

Recently my site started giving errors at checkout, now I am realizing that it might be the fact that I am using MD5. Below is my current code, can anyone give me some direction? I have read the upgrade info but still am unsure. Here is... accept hosed - echeck transaction status update Solved

Hi, I'm an individual developer integrates our web site with Accept hosted redirect option.I'm using the web-hook notification to get the transaction details when an event triggered. This works fine for the card payments. But I have dou...

Accept Hosted Payment Page Questions

Hi - Working to implement a redirect hosted payment page for our shopping cart. Have a couple issues i'm working through: a) I am passing the individual line items for the order. I validated it is passing properly as I see the data in the completed p...


ARB w/ auto-retry didn't suspend a failed transaction

I enabled Auto-Retry on ARB and ran into a transaction that failed, but ARB didn't suspend. Customer Service for this was a joke, where they insisted that it only suspends ARB if the first payment fails (the previous behavior to auto-retry feature) s...

Validating European Diacritics SIM/DPM

I recently did an experiment trying to validate SIM/DPM transaction responses in sha512. I was testing how to validate responses containing European Diacritics. I would like input from fellow developers as to how successful they are in their own proc...

ARB future start date auto payment

Hi,I'm creating the subscription with future date. Will it be charged on future date ?Example:Today 25/03/2019 (dd/mm/yyyy) and I've created a subscription with start date 25/06/, can I find the payment transaction id after 25/06/2019 fo the s...

Settled batch list yes/no question Solved

Here is the background. Question follows.I have a script that integrates the transaction reporting API. The purpose is to output a table that has my clients backend database records side by side with the records on file with There are ...


ARB Transaction has no subscription data attached

We have a membership that is 2 weeks (14 days) free, then ~$35/month afterwards. So the ARB subscription is created with a start date 2 weeks into the future. [refId] => 9419EF760A2922539392 [subscription] => Array ( [name] => Membership with free tr...

Definition of Transaction Types

Is there any documentation that defines what exactly the following types of transactions are and when executed which fields are required?- authCaptureContinueTransaction- authCaptureTransaction- authOnlyContinueTransaction- authOnlyTransaction- captu...

Peer to peer, need suggestions

Hi all, I have an mobile application, where users can be able to send money to each other, peer to peer.I'm searching the payment system and the API to do that. I have red the developers guide, but have confused a little, how to do that using authori...

Recurring payment subscription renewal event

Hi All,i am implemented recurring billings and integrated webhooks too in my system, but i dont know which event will trigger when new subscription payment will be made in system. there are events for create, expire or cancel or suspended etc but i d...

Issues with iFrameCommunicator

I am having an issue with the hosted payment form sending some events to the iframecommunicator.Resize events get sent correctly:E.G.

Magento 1.9 AIM Gateway error: The merchant login ID or ... E00007

After updating a really old transaction key on our fully patched Magento site where everything was working fine, I uploaded a series of 4 new transaction keys, disabling the previous ones immediately, and tested on both our website and throug...


detecting eCheck chargebacks via API

greetings,we have highly automated software (non-website) that processes card & eCheck transactions through your API's (which are very well designed). for our software to know about any chargebacks after the initial transaction, we are using your "ge...

Batching many transactions Solved

Just curious if there is any official way with the REST api to do batching? I have been tasked with handling the capturing, voiding, and refunding of hundreds of transactions a day. Is there any way to do this currently without just sending many requ...

No Payment Information for Customer Profile Available

I am trying to create a customer profile and not including any credit card information. The schema :xsd appears to require a a certain lenght of characters. I also tried creating a Customer Profile using the SDK and did not include any characters in ...