I have successully integrated Echeck for both ARB and AIM interfaces and my transactions are going OK with below list of requried fileds.
1) x_amout (Amount)
2) x_bank_aba_code (ABA Routing Number )
3) x_bank_acct_num (Bank Account Number)
4) x_bank_acct_type (Bank Account Type-checking, businessChecking, savings)
5) x_bank_name (Bank Name)
6) x_bank_acct_name (Bank Account Name)
There are two more fields listed below which are bit confusing for me?
i) x_echeck_type (Echeck Type - The type of electronic check transaction, x_echeck_type->ARC, BOC, CCD, PPD, TEL, WEB)
ii) x_bank_check_number (Bank Check Number - The check number on the customer’s paper check. Required only when x_echeck_type = ARC or BOC)
Are these last two fields necessary to be addded as an input on user's form? I mean, are they be alway collected from customer? Are they mandotory to be collected for Merchant choices?
There is also one an other filed x_recurring_billing, what does it make sense if i am also going through ARB interface? Thanks
09-02-2012 04:22 AM
If the user is paying via a form on your web site, choose WEB. You don't need anything for the other field, as you pointed out.
09-03-2012 02:03 AM
Hi All,
I am a developer. I am trying to integrate ECheck on my Merchant website. I dont Know I have looked for it But I couldn't find any testing system for it. I mean I do have got Test Cards and Acount for the Authorize.NET but I couldnt get one for it. I Just wana ask can I also use the same Test accounts and Cards for eCheck. Or I mean Can I have Separate Test Acounts for Echeck.
12-10-2012 06:56 AM
a CNP account fine. http://www.authorize.net/solutions/merchantsolutions/merchantservices/echeck/
12-10-2012 07:18 AM