Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

Can we get entire TransactionDetailsResponse in one JSON string?

I'm a newbie to integration. I am invoking hosted payment page from my application and getting a Webhook for the authorize/capture. Given the transID in the Webhook, I send a getTransactionDetailsRequest. The code I'm using is similar t...


getHostedProfilePageRequest new field company

Hi, Yesterday the company field was not here. Any documentation or blogs or any updates would be very helpful if there was updates done on the iframe popup? This would be very helpful in the future to check for update logs. https://developer.authoriz...


Why ApplePay payment profiles only valid for recurring billing? Locked

I really want to challenge the decision that disallows payment profiles to only be used for recurring billing. Currently I can create a tokenized CIM payment profile using an opaqueToken - but that profile can only be used for recurring billing. Appl...

Woocommerce Error in processing payments

Hi, I'm trying to install the plugin for woocommerce on my site and it does not seem to be processing the payment. I'm getting the following error message. ANY help would be much appreciated. RESPONSE CODE at the bottom. Code: E00003, Message: The 'A...

Getting Response Error Code 13 from in SIM API

Hi Team, Good Day!!! we are developing a website which needs a payment gateway and we opted for Authorize. net Payment Gateway. But, we are facing issues while integrating the payment gateway in IFrame by using the SIM method in our Dev...

Recurring Billing with encrypted swiper data

Hello,I'm developing android application with emv-anet sdk. I cannot send swiper data for ARB transaction (plain card data is fine). I'm getting the follwoing error E00003 The element 'creditCard' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xs...


Accept Customer: addPayment, default billing address?

When prompting the user for a new payment method, is there a way to provide default values for the billing address? I was hoping that by providing a shipping profile, this would be used to provide defaults for the billing address. If I can't provide ...

How to send CVV when charging customer profile Solved

Hi All, We are using {createCustomerProfileRequest} to add Customer profiles and {createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest} method to add customer payment profiles. Now my question is if we want to use {createTransactionRequest} to charge that customer's ...

Accept Customer form being hijacked

Background - we use customer profiles (Accept Customer - formally Hosted CIM) to submit payment transactions and also to be reused for recurring subscriptions.Our code follows the directions in

I got following error in nagento 2.1.9

[2018-09-08 08:14:51] main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: {"method":"POST","url":"","invalidateInfo":{"identifier":"notification_update_customer_session_262"},"is_exception":false} [][2018-09-08 08:...


Apple Pay Opaque tokens - Do they expire? How do they work with CIM?

I have been using ApplePay for a while now with Authorize.NET but I want to use it for recurring payments too. It turns out I *accidentally* got this working by reposting the same opaque token when the customer's next payment was due. Cool! However I...

Google Analytics eCommerce Tracking integration Locked

Yes, we know it’s a website integration because we use it on websites. However, we're trying to figure out if we can recommend your product for our eCommerce sites. We not only need to track them on the website and through the shopping cart, but we a...


Proactively Refreshing the OAuth Access Token Solved

I'd like to refresh the access token after 90% of it's life is used up (just prior to expiration). But everytime I do, I get the exact same (access and refresh) tokens back, and the expiration of the access token hasn't moved a bit. Do I have to wait...

Auto-Receipt - USER ID OR NAME please add it

In a company as large as Guardian Fueling Technologies we have multiple users keying credit card payments. As the administrator of this site, I would like internal staff that keys the card to have their names listed on each receipt transaction. This ...


OAuth token expiration ... not as described!

I'm adding OAuth support to my application, and I'm finding: access_token: expiration of 8 hours refresh_token: expiration of 8 hours But, according to the documentation: access_token: expiration of 10 minutes refresh_token: expiration of 1 year Is t...

PRODUCTION getting E00045 on all Charges to existing token??

Since about midnight last night we get this for all out customers in production.Does anyone know what may have changed? We do not see anything changing on our end in that timeframe. E00045: The root node does not reference a valid XML namespace. E000...

Regular Contributor

Duplicate Transaction error

I have used accept hosted payment form with iFrame integration. We are doing some regression testing with sandbox account with live mode. I have entered credit card information in iFrame but 'accidentally' put in the wrong card code, i got the error ...

Return URL timing out

we have been running now for about 8 years with not one problem. 2 weeks ago after a customer was sent to Auth for CC and payment was complete, during the process of sending them back to our site Auth will time out and fail. completing ...

Browser Compatibility Issues

We are having issues using the payment UI to submit credit card payments. We are using APIs on HTML/Javascript to access the authorizenet acceptUI. On a couple of our Windows 10 machines, the UI is only working on Microsoft Edge. Any id...

ARB - Error Generating XML Document

I'm trying to set up ARB for the first time and am receiving the following error: "System.InvalidOperationException: There was an error generating the XML document. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The type System.String may not be used in this...

Setting Up Annual ARB Solved

Hello, I apologize for the potentially stupid question, but how do I set up annual payments with ARB? All of the documentation I can find only references monthly payments. Also when I am setting up the following paymentScheduleTypeInterval interval =...


Fully Hosted modal - Country Drop Down

Hi Guys, Im usingin the fully hosted solution for our client to process payments. The users that going to use the application are all from the US. I need to request them the hostedPaymentBillingAddressOptions and Im sending the setting when Im gettin...

getTransactionListRequest api not fetching all transaction

Hi Team, I am trying to fetch all the transaction under the batch { "getTransactionListRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": “xxxxxx”, "transactionKey": “xxxxxxx” }, "batchId" : “10000”, "sorting": { "orderBy": "submitTimeUTC", "orderDescen...