Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Is sftp a valid connection scheme

We have a software package for the footwear industry that runs on IBM systems running AIX. When a credit card purchase is made, we send the information to a PC that will use sftp to send out the credit card request for authorization. The PC will then...


Is sftp a possible connection

We have a software package for the footwear industry that runs on IBM systems running AIX. When a credit card purchase is made, we send the information to a PC that will use sftp to send out the credit card request for authorization. The PC will then...

Create Customer Payment Profile/Subscription with Accept Hosted Solved

I'm sorry if this is a duplicate - I commented on a thread and then realized it might not be viewed. I'm trying to create a subscription using the hosted form. I followed the steps on another thread (create a customer profile from the intial transact...


Custom Amounts on Accept Hosted forms

I am using Accept Hosted form using Re-Direct method.Is there a way to display custom amounts on the form?I wanted to display "Sub-Total", "Transaction Fee", "Tax" and then "Total".Currently I am only able to display "Tax" and "Total" information fro...

Opaque Data always returns same dataValue in Test environment

is this by design? i always get the same dataValue returned no matter what card details i enter - and then when i try to process a transactionRequest using it i get E00114 - Invalid OTS Token tried initially using the following request via the "Try I...

Regular Contributor

Accept Hosted > Safari auto-fill bug > Value truncated on submission

I have discovered a bug in the Accept Hosted payment form related to Safari browser auto-fill. When the user selects a browser-suggested auto-fill value on a billing input in the form, the auto-fill value visually appears in its entirety in the input...

Obtaining card information after creating payment profile

After creating payment profile, I'm interested in obtaining masked card number and card's brand(like VISA). I know I can obtain this information from validationDirectResponse filed in response. But, this is a string and need to be parsed. Is there an...

Sharing a Credit Card across multiple merchant accounts? Solved

Our business sells products from multiple suppliers. Each of these suppliers will have their own merchant account, and submitting an order will then create multiple payments, one for each supplier. We'd like a shopper to only have to save their credi...

Accept Customer Hosted Form with Fraud Detection Suite

We are using the accept customer hosted form solution right now and we are in a situation where someone is using our form to test credit card numbers to see if they are valid. They are inputting a lot of cards so it seems likely a script is being use...

Query about Opaque Data Solved

In the api reference, I found that opaqueData is a required field while creating profile (payment ). Can anyone please tell me what opaqueData is ? I was able to create a payment profile with out providing opaqueData (dataDescriptor and dataValue). S...

Migrating from old SIM to Accept Hosted iFrame

We have an existing old SIM solution working, want to migrate to our new API Accept Hosted iFrame solution for just processing cc transactions. I'd like to have a safe migration path and hopefully use our old SIM and our new API solution in parallel....

errorCode 155 Apple Pay

I have been working on fixing an old integration after moving servers but, I have been stuck. Here is the XML returened to me. Please any help would be appreciated ErrorE00027The transaction was unsuccessful.3P08595DE93DADB6BCCC1236BA2432807A80XXXX98...

In Person SDK add predefined email to showReceipt view textfield.

I have used In Person SDK Quick Chip Transaction method for payment all things are working perfectly but I have to set the predefined email address to 'text field' of show receipt view. Is this possible to do? Here I have attached an image for your r...

In Person SDK Transaction Status Method Issue

I'm using the in person sdk for windows An issue I'm running into is the sample app runs transactionStatus listener method after the this.launcher.startQuickChipWithoutUI(get...


Linking multiple MIDs with multiple CIM profiles Solved

I have a client with 10 accounts (merchantID/MIDs). This client has roughly 600 CIM profiles across those 10 MIDs. They want to be able to capture funds against any given CIM and link the transaction to the MID of their choice. For exam...

Regular Contributor

Payment Method, i.e., CC, ECHECK, etc.

The AIM and SIM responses contained an element named "method", which was either CC for credit card or ECHECK for bank transfer, but I can find no comparable field in the transaction details response in new API. Am I missing it, or is it just no longe...

What Is SDKTransactionType

The in person sdk readme mentions SDKTransactionType options GOODS, SERVICES, TRANSFER and PAYMENTS. What does choosing one of these affect? If users will use emv to sell items at a cash register ...

Is Session Token Required for EMV Transactions

The inperson sdk windows sample app at has the user login with their Authorize.Net login and password and then get a session token in order to do emv transactions like startQuickChipWithoutUI. Do I...

Way to check Credit card validity Solved

Is there any way to check credit card validity before creating payment profile in authorize. I want to create profiles only if provided credit card information is valid.


Fact gathering on Card Present accounts

I'm very familiar with CNP accounts and their apis. However I'm working on a new web app that needs to handle Card Present transactions, and have very little experience on this side. I've done a lot of searching for answers to my questi...