Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Error connecting to AuthorizeNet Solved

All ... sorry if this is covered somewhere else searching didn't turn up anything recent. On 4/30 at 3:30am CT "" stopped accpeting our connections. After contacting Authorize support they acknowledged that they had broken ...

Cert.pem expired. Why. Why Why.

Suddenly started getting "Error connecting to AuthorizeNet" response. We use the older SDK (that does not require composer). After a couple hours of searching, I tried various cert.pem files until I found one that worked. How do we get notice that th...


In-Person SDK for Android Amount Confirmation Dialog

On 2 of our 4 POS stations when doing EMV transactions an additional dialog pops up asking to confirm the amount. All 4 POS stations are same hardware (Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1), same software (Android Nougat 7.0), same configuration (except for uni...


How to Include Address on Accept.js Hosted Form?

By Accept.js Hosted Form, I'm referring to the one described in: We use the Hosted Form version in order to conform to PCI-DSS SAQ A compli...

purpose of fullName property in Accept.js?

One of the (optional) card data properties in Accept.js is fullName. It is not used for card validation purposes, and it does not seem to be visible in the transactions details. What does Authorize.Net do with this data?

Accept Hosted Sandbox API Down?

Are there sandbox issues today? I'm receiving "550 Unknown" errors when (a) trying to load the embedded form in an iFrame, and (b) when trying to save a payment method.

JSON String is order dependent

My code mixes up the orders of the key/value pairs. There is no way to ressolve this that I'm aware of with the language I'm required to use. This is what it generates: {"authenticateTestRequest": {"merchantAuthentication": {"transactionKey": "TRANSC...

Wehbook post request header hash not always matching Solved

Upon receiving the webhook post request we hash the request body using HMAC-SHA12 and our signature key (to binary) and then compare the result with the X-ANET header hash sent. Sometimes it matches, sometimes it does not. This only happens with prod...

hostedPaymentIFrameCommunicatorUrl not referenced in payment form Solved

What am I doing wrong? I’m making a JSON request for the payment formThe form is returned, but does not reference the hostedPaymentIFrameCommunicatorUrl parameter. JSON request below.As far as I can tell, the format matches the example on the Authori...

Help with Scenerio

I am trying to implement logic as such. Bill a client todayIn X Number of months bill them againThere is the payment schedule code I am using paymentScheduleType schedule = new paymentScheduleType{interval = interval,startDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(...

Why does updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest() generate an email? Solved

I am testing in the sandbox and when calling updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest(), it generates the standard text based email response and is going to my test account's email address. Even though it says "Transaction Type: Authorization Only" in the...

OSCommerce and AIM module

Im catching an error if I leaveVerify SSL Certificate set to true. RESPONSE:Array([x_response_code] => -1[x_response_subcode] => -1[x_response_reason_code] => -1)$HTTP_POST_VARS:Array([cc_owner_firstname] => gino[cc_owner_lastname] => difilippo jr[cc...


Amount Debited from my Card but not Credited to merchant account

Hi, Use Case : I'm in need to pay 200 in a shop.The amount is debited from my debit card, but it is not credited to the merchant account. He asked me to pay again, so i did. Totally 400/- is debited from my account.(200/- for 2 times). After 25 days,...


Refund to Expired Card

Hi ,i'm having a doubt.Case :Consider i'm having a subscription S1 with 10 installment due. For this Subscription S1, consider two installments are done successfully (Say Transactions T1 & T2). Now before the 3rd Schedule my card will be expired. So ...


E00007 / E_WC_21 User authentication failed Solved

I am trying out the Accept.js solution in Sandbox. I am using my web page.Doing everything as per tutorial ( On the first step, where I ...

Regular Contributor

Accept Hosted form 404 error

Were am getting a 404 Not Found console error when loading the Accept Hosted form in an iframe on the resource file It is not referenced directly in the response source, but still get...

Regular Contributor

(E00104) Server in maintenance on 18 Apr

Hi Team, On the 18 Apr (13.43 EDT to 13.53 EDT) we got some error abot server in maintenance. Exception - while deserializing text:'ErrorE00104Server in maintenanceE00001An error occurred during processing. Please try again.Was it the case that autho...

CIM SOAP API returning a 550 error on sandbox and production Solved

We're currently experiencing a complete failure of the SOAP API, which we use to create CIM profiles using the authorizesauce Python library. It was working as of 10:45 a.m. central time this morning (April 18th.) It suddenly started failing at some ...


Example of custom receipt using iframe?

I am using the new Accept Hosted code in an iframe on a php page, and even with showReceipt is false, I still get the receipt page. How do I bypass that and redirect to my own receipt page? I've searched pages and pages of files and doc...

Accept Hosted fingerprint value incorrect??

Hello, I have a client that we integrated the accept hosted form for about a year ago and most transactions are going through just fine. Every now and then we have customers call support because they are unable to checkout and the only message on the...

AcceptUI Angular 2/5 integration

AcceptUIBackground and AcceptUIContainer get loaded outside approot and is not displayed. Any example on how to use AcceptUI with angular 2/5 project. Needs to use AcceptUI due to compliance requirements.