Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Is it Ok to Use Silent Post With DPM? Solved

I'm using DPM. I'm collecting customer data on two pages on my server. After the information is submitted, the customer sees the hosted receipt. I'm not using relay response. I am using a silent post link where I insert some of the cust...

How do I parse the result message from a CIM call in PHP?

Hi all, I'm new to the Auth.Net API and am having difficulties trying to understand how to parse out the result values from errors in my test calls to the CIM functions. I've pored through the documentation, but there isn't really anywhere I can see ...

Only one address line for street address?

Hi all, I am new to the API and am a longtime user of the CyberSource API. In digging into my first example for testing in the sandbox I noticed there is only a single address field allowed for customer information in CIM records and for reg...

Confused by CIM documentation (XML/PHP)

HI all, I am a long time CyberSource API user and a new user. We are a PHP application. We are migrating our platform to and I am already confused with the documentation. I am starting with the documentation for the CIM as we do a l...


Need help with AIM for transaction refunds Solved

I’m trying to implement a code to refund transaction credit card with AIM. These are the fields that I am sending to the server for the refund:x_version = "3.1"x_login = loginID.ToStringx_amount = TransactionTotal.ToStringx_type = "cred...


Unable to See Transaction Data on receipt.php page

I am using relay response to get transaction results to my custom receipt.php page. My relay.php page smoothly transitions to my receipt.php page. However, I see no transaction data on my receipt.php page. I'm just not finding an instruction either i...


My sandbox account was working fine, suddentely having errors Solved

I have been working and testing my sandbox account for a while and I came to the point where I was satisfied with everything and the result of all my transaction. I stopped working on the account for two days. After my returning, today, all transacti...


One time payment integration with hosted page.

Hi We want to capture one time payment, but we don't want to capture credit card information at our end.Is there any way to do so, like hosted page in CIM. Can we use AIM with hosted page? Regrds

Need Encrypt KEY for MSR

What entity issues the encryption key that must be embedded in the read head of an MSR. We use the ID TECH Secure Read head.

CIM integration with DPM

It looks like I could use CIM to create a new customer profile using the transaction ID from a DPM payment, is there any way to add a payment profile to an existing customer profile using a DPM transactionID?


setting up SIM into wordpress

Hello, I need help setting up the SIM method in a wordpress site. It would be for a online bill payment form where customers would be paying their bill online. Does anyone know the steps on how to do this? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Help finding Certificate Chain Download files

I need help finding certificates to install on our web servers in regard to this blog post: Trust Chain:Common N...


How to use Hosted Order Page with salesforce

Is there any documentation/code sample to integrate HOP payment with salesforce. After the payment is processed, data needs to be sent back to salesforce. Thanks for the help


Whitepage after changing transaction key, AIM

I changed the transaction key to the website. Site is designed with the AIM (php 5.3 and cURL). cURL library, simpleXML, php, etc are all enabled. The website has been working fine for months. No problems with checkout. However, after doing a routine...


DPM/SIM Error Page not Redirecting

I am using the DPM method for a payment form on a clients website, I am sending it the x_relay_url paremeter and setting the x_relay_always to true, and if the payement is sucessful (i.e the card number is right etc..) everything works as expected, i...


Silent Post returning only default values

Hello All I am Integrating Silent Post for CIMand I check it for both Live and test mode in call cases it is appearing with follow parameters.;x_cust_id=none;x_amount=0.00; which is not the actual value for these, for a subs...

Java ARB Sandbox 400 Invalid URL error

Getting this response when I try to post a cancel using the JAVA ARB API in the Sanbox but it works fine production....

Invalid URL

The requested URL "/xml/v1/request.api", is invalid.

Reference #9.26f7f648.1430961437.1721bea6

End point is: https://api...

CIM C# SOAP Integration using Service Reference

Group Looking to see if anyone has implemented integration with CIM in C# MVC Web application using the Service Reference The last post I could find was :

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Prevent creation of Payment Profiles linked to bank accounts Solved

Our client does not want to support bank accounts. They want all Payment Profiles created to be linked to Credit Cards. They do not want to deal with any PCI consequences so they asked us to develop the application in such a way that all Payment Prof...


Get customerPaymentProfileId

Hello I am trying to integrate CIM.I am able to add customer information and its billing informationNow I want to Update/Edit the payment profile information for that It is asking me for customerPaymentProfileId.So how can I get customerPaymentProfil...


ARB silent post hash incorrect Solved

My hash isn't matching. I'm sure it's a mistake on my end, but I cannot figure out how. There's not a lot to go wrong. My PHP hash is below. You can see it's in the order that documentation says it should be. ( hashTransIdAmount); I've ... payment problem iOS

Hi,I am new to this payment gateway. I am trying to integrate the iOS SDK to my application. I have downloaded the iOS SDK from the gitHub and try to run the sample code in it. I can able to successfully login to the app using my sandbo...


Blocked loading mixed active content for hosted page

Hi I am using CIM via hosted page.Popup is not closing.I check for error, and it returning me Blocked loading mixed active content .As we are not on https, Currently I am running it on localhost.As it is a web application, so we cannot ask our custom...