Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


ARBCreateSubscription question Solved Locked

I am using the CIM API to manage customer profiles, payments etc. One of the requirement is automatic recurring billing (ARB). In my code, I retrieve the customer based on the customerprofileId. This returns a GetCustomerProfileResponseType object. F...

Doubt in ARB - Urgent one!!! Locked

Hi,Im integrating to do recurring payment. I need a big clarification in retrieving the card details of the user from since the customer may have one or more account details. Every account detail of the customer is stored ...

DPM java test application gives Error Locked

I have created a java web application by following DirectPost_guide.pdf. When I submit the credit card and other information, in response it shows: Error! This transaction has been approved.response code3response reason code19 I also receive email th...

Regular Contributor

How AuthNet can help Hosted CIM users with CC expirations Locked

I've been struggling with the fact that there is no way to find out (in advance of a purchase attempt) that a customer's CIM record for an individual credit card has an expired expiration date.Here is the solution I'm considering:When a customer is a...


Any CIM form tutorial with PHP? Solved Locked

Hello I saw a great blog post by stymiee about AIM integration with PHP, I was wondering if there's any blog posts or tutorials for CIM integration? And a few questions on how does CIM work? What do we keep in our database? and how does it get proces...

CIM, Standard API and Hosted Option API Locked

I was "introduced" to CIM on the webinar a few days back and now experimenting with it as a possible solution for our payment processing ( - we currently use Google Checkout).I've wrote a q&d "get" app for the CIM customers I've cr...

Can I make card present transactions from my webservice? Locked

I have a (hopefully) basic question on credit card processing, particularly using Authorize.Net. This is my first foray into credit card processing so I have been reading up on it quite a bit.Let me describe what I am trying to do. I am in the proces...

using CDATA tags in name fields

Hi, Newbie here... been integrating CIM api's for about 2 months... anyway, ran into an issue in using the"createCustomerProfileRequest" CIM api when there was an ampersand & included in the company name xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx...


Michelle hasn't responded to another bug Locked

Reported another bug "Transaction Details API Trashes UTF-8" on 7/12, no response from Michelle. Just trying to keep it on the radar.

CIM sample code dies Solved Locked

The PHP CIM sample code provided by (here) does not work. Download and expand zip fileModify 'vars.php' with login id and trans key.Point browser to index.php from CIM zip file.Choose 'Create Customer Profile'. On return, customerProfil...

Regular Contributor

CIM IFrame Window - How do I turn scrollbars ON? Solved Locked

I'm using the supplied IFrame popup window for customers to enter/edit payment information. The IFrame popup window supplied through the example code downloads doesn't have scrollbars on it, so once the user has either more than 2 credit cards, or 1 ...


ARB Page Can't Be Displayed Error Locked

Hello All, I'm having a wierd problem but not sure why and what to do. I wrote the script using Classic ASP to post XML to ARB but when I set the posting url to and go and process either a real or fake cre...

Regular Contributor

Almost got it.. one final hump to get over Locked

I've pretty much managed to get all of the CIM system working on our site. The only thing that is still not working correctly is the IFrame popup window that opens when a customer needs to add/modify their payment information. The window comes up cor...

Test account CVV codes Locked

I am using the .NET SDK and when I enable the CV handling filter, all my test credit card transactions are declined. I assume this is because the test cards also have a CVV code. Also, when I set the CVV filter to "Allow" when the "CVV doesn't match"...


How to Extract Credit Last 4 Digits + Card Expiration Date from CIM Locked

Looking at the getCustomerProfileResponse XML, cardNumber and expirationDate are completely masked. In order to 1.) help our customers with multiple credits cards on file identify which they want to use, and 2.) send email notifications regarding upc...


How to replace CIM with AIM? Locked

I have a problem. I have about 100 transactions through AIM. Now today i am removing AIM and Adding CIM. So with CIM can i refund or void those 100 transactions? If i have manually created customer profile ID of those 100 customers?

SDK CreditRequest Error Locked

hey when i try to use the CreditRequest from the SDK i get an error. BankAccountType = Function evaluation was aborted. I am trying to do a simple credit based on the transaction id, the amount, and the last four of the credit card. here is my code v...

error description Locked

Hi alli'm gettiong an error that is not set on this page RESPONSE REASON CODE = 127 and RESPONSE CODE = 3 any ideas? i have some issue bu...


AIM newbie help with sample code! Solved Locked

Hello! So I just started getting into payment methods and such and I looked between and paypal, and based on the sample code with it seems a little easier to me. However, I still have a few questions as I'm new to this ind...

Regular Contributor

404 error returned from Authnet's CIM testing transaction server Locked

I'm using the test server and test account to build the code for CIM based transactions. When I attempt to use the Hosted redirect method to allow a customer to input credit card information, the page is displaying, but all of the CSS stylesheet and ...

Problem with activating account Locked

2c32315d08c8b11b6546032bb26489f5 Hi Guys, I am newbie in the internet stuff and I dont know if I am writing on correct board on this website. I have got problem with activating my account. I received email but when I click on the link it was not work...

Regular Contributor

Test Account - Creation of new Payment Method in CIM Locked

I've made it to the point where the following has happened: 1. Obtained a customerProfileId for a new customer2. Obtained a token from the server with which to send the customer to the Hosted system to add payment/card information3. Passed that token...

Regular Contributor

Wrong call being referenced in CIM documentation? Locked

Please be gentle with me if I'm wrong here, but there appears to be incorrect information in the CIM documentation regarding payment processing. On page 10 of the CIM_XML_guide.pdf file it (at the top of that page) it says this: "The merchant can cal...

SIM Integration in client side Locked

Hello, i m using MVC and windows i want to integrate online payment gateway so i use SIMas per sample code provided by its working properly.but i want everything in client side in MVC view th...

ARBCancelSubscriptionResponse and Silent Post Response Locked

In the ARB Guide I find what seems to be conflicting statements. Could someone clarify this for me? Statement 1IMPORTANT:When the Silent Post URL feature is enabled, name/value pair responses for both ARB transactions and all other non-ARB transactio...

Member SIM Transaction Response Example? Locked

I'm integrating SIM with and have successfully setup the checkout up to where the customer pays on the hosted page and is sent back to my site. I can't seem to get the transaction response to work correctly and don't really have a good idea ho...


Transaction Details API trashes UTF-8 Locked

Here's an actual example: Correct:JoséByte stream as downloaded from getTransactionDetails:4a 6f 73 c3 83 c2 a9 J o s à ©Correct byte stream:4A 6F 73 C3 A9 J o s é The getTransactionDetails API xml header claims that the encoding is UTF-8,the API is ...


ARB Refund Locked

Hello All, I need a help in handling ARB refund reuqest. I know that ARB does not have refunds and we need to initiate a refund request as an individual tranasction through AIM. Here is the problem I'm facing in understanding the Credit(refund) trans...