Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


CP Charge an existing customer Locked

I would like to charge an existing customer using the CP API? Is this possible? For instance, using CIM I can easily do this. I cant use the CIM API in a different project since it uses MicroFramework and we are using our home grown HttpClient. Thank...


Silent Post (ARB) - Will This Work On Test Accounts? Locked

Forgive me, I had to ask this as well. I couldn't confirm this via research so maybe I overlooked this somehow. I just want to make sure that, while I use my test account for ARB, the reason my silent posts are not receiving any updates...


Quick Q. Using CIM & ARB Method Locked

Hey, I want to confirm that a project I am working on, which will require ARB for membership recurring billing, and CIM, for members to place discounted purchases (discounts only available to paid members) using CIM, will not create a conflict. In ot...


displaying CIM profile information with PHP SDK Solved Locked

Hello, I'm trying to display information, but its not displaying. Can someone help me figure this one out? I know its not a good idea to display information, but I'm doing this because it will help me understand how this SDK works. Thanks require_onc...


precautionary measures for handling SIM relay response Locked

Does anyone know the precautionary measures i need to handle the relay resonse from SIM? Do i need an SSL certificate? Do i need to be able to provide any logs from my server to prove i'm not handling credit card info? How do i find this information ...

Does the PHP test code work? Solved Locked

I'm trying to integrate into my system using the AIM method. I'm using the test code -amount = '9.99';$transaction->card_num = '4007000000027';$transaction->exp_date = '10/16';$response = $transaction->authorizeAndCapture();if ($respons...

Click submit on payment form only once Locked

Sorry, How can I disbale Hosted Payment Form Submit button after click submit button once . I want user click submit button only once. Any Suggestion. Thanks

SIM Newbie Integration Locked

Hello everyone! I am trying to integrate SIM with our website. The website is hosted by under a Linux package. The system will be use to make reservations to attend meetings hosted by our company. If a person register and do not attend we w...

"email sent" page after payment instead of receipt page Locked

I just recently started experimenting with Authorize.NET, and came across something I haven't been able to find documentaiton on... thought I'd post here! After submitting a payment using SIM (hosted checkout), an "email sent" page appears instead of...


Authorization Code 00000 when using the CP API Solved Locked

I have been testing the CP API for card present scenarios. When I run the transaction through, the transaction comes back approved with the authorizationCode 00000. I also receive an email about the transaction that has 00000 as the authroizationCode...


Response not an array Solved Locked

When I do a test run with the following parameters I don't get a response that can be parsed with a delimiter to get an array. $params = array('x_login' => 'XXXXXXXXX','x_tran_key' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXX','x_version' => '3.1','x_type' => 'AUTH_CAPTURE','x_...


Limits on parallel CIM API transactions? Solved Locked

I searched the guides, terms and forum, but couldn't find any information about this topic; therefore, I hope to find an answer here.To speed up a potentially large number of credit card authorization and capture transactions, I thought of grouping c...


help in direct post method/SIM;issue regarding time out and validation Locked

hi,we are a organisation in application development in .net and for now we are giving a facility fo our client with payment gateway, and we are using DPM card not present testing acoount for building this functionality in our functional...


I am using AIM to send an AUTH_ONLY followed by a POST_AUTH_CAPTURE request. When I send the transactions using test mode, the AUTH_ONLY succeeds but returns a transactionID of "0". Then when I try to test the POST_AUTH_CAPTURE, the test call fails w...


Error code 85. The market type is invalid Locked

Well I got past most of the hurdles using the CIM API and things are finally picking up steam. One of the requirements is to authorize a transaction using the cc number and other details that are provided by the customer on our site. I am using the C...


SIM - Relay Response Locked

Hello, I'm using SIM methode with a test account.I tried several combinations but none worked... I always have the following error : An error occurred while trying to report this transaction to the merchant. An e-mail has been sent to the merchant in...

CIM email field missing Locked

When submitting a transaction via the test account it works fine, via the live account it says the email field is missing (which it is because i dont want to supply it), but as far as i can tell it is not set to be required. Is there another option t...


SIM questions Locked

Can you set a different type of transaction using SIM? i.e. "auth_only" Can you get a response somehow using SIM? i.e. amount of transaction, customer name, transaction id

AIM "Batches" Locked

I'm working with a client who is moving from another gateway to Authorize - the old gateway let us upload batch files via SFTP, which made it easy for me to program a PHP script to create and upload files on a daily basis. I know Auth let's me upload...


DPM questions Locked

So i've learned PCI compliance is going to be way too costly for me and i have to figure out a way to re-engineer my payment process to avoid having to be PCI compliant. I was using the AIM API, but i think i'm going to have to use the Direct Post Me...


developing a PCI compliant web app Locked

I'm desperately trying to understand how to develop a PCI compliant web app. I'm a PHP developer not a system admin or anything. I've recently discovered not all hosting companies are PCI compliant. Can anyone shed some light on: 1.What hosting provi...


ARBCreateSubscription question Solved Locked

I am using the CIM API to manage customer profiles, payments etc. One of the requirement is automatic recurring billing (ARB). In my code, I retrieve the customer based on the customerprofileId. This returns a GetCustomerProfileResponseType object. F...

Doubt in ARB - Urgent one!!! Locked

Hi,Im integrating to do recurring payment. I need a big clarification in retrieving the card details of the user from since the customer may have one or more account details. Every account detail of the customer is stored ...

DPM java test application gives Error Locked

I have created a java web application by following DirectPost_guide.pdf. When I submit the credit card and other information, in response it shows: Error! This transaction has been approved.response code3response reason code19 I also receive email th...

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How AuthNet can help Hosted CIM users with CC expirations Locked

I've been struggling with the fact that there is no way to find out (in advance of a purchase attempt) that a customer's CIM record for an individual credit card has an expired expiration date.Here is the solution I'm considering:When a customer is a...


Any CIM form tutorial with PHP? Solved Locked

Hello I saw a great blog post by stymiee about AIM integration with PHP, I was wondering if there's any blog posts or tutorials for CIM integration? And a few questions on how does CIM work? What do we keep in our database? and how does it get proces...

CIM, Standard API and Hosted Option API Locked

I was "introduced" to CIM on the webinar a few days back and now experimenting with it as a possible solution for our payment processing ( - we currently use Google Checkout).I've wrote a q&d "get" app for the CIM customers I've cr...