Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Guidance in what direction to go in. Locked

Previously my client uses a simple get form that creates a dynamic page with the clients two pieces of information they provide (accountnumber & amount being paid) which is located on a small html website that I am helping them update. I am going to ...

Drop-Down Box in SIM? Locked

Hi there, We just signed up with Authorize.Net, and while our web developer beings to work on a CIM implementation, we figured that we could replace our PayPal buttons with Authorize.Net buttons by utilizing SIM in our current selling spot. However, ...

Trying to integrate | Error (99) Locked

Greetings! Ok so I'm trying to implement this for a client but I seem to be running into some issues, mind you this is my first time using Sorce Services is where I'm trying to implement it. -- Below is the code I'm using -- //++// Aut...

Simple checkout Solved Locked

I run a job board. My clients purchase plans to post jobs ( 1 plan at a time) I am trying to use simple checkout. when i go into my website, log in and select the plan i would like to purchase then click the SC button and pay..then return to my site ...

how to get back transaction id Locked

I had somebody implement a script for me, so I'm a little lost on how/where to set the code to give me back a transaction id for tracking or for the customer's to print for their records. I have a payment processing page that includes the below code....

Any way to set the timeout for the SIM CC form?

I know a lot of people have issues with the response timeout - but that's not what this question is about. My question is thus: We have time sensitive sales for events and recently switched over to AuthNet for our payment provider. We've noticed that...

Integrating with DotNetNuke Locked

Hi, I am using DotNetNuke, and am using an event registration manager. I don't have options for which API to use, or for which posting method: AIM, DPM or SIM. I only have an API key, and transaction key. I can put the module into test mode as well a...


Storing Customer Data Locked

Hello, newbie here. I have a dumb question, and I apologize in advance if this is not the right place to ask it - please move it (or tell me how to) if it should reside elsewhere. We have a customer who has subscribed to's CIM service. She s...


How to authorize with AIM and create customer profile with CIM? Solved Locked

Hi, I'm trying to see how exactly I would be able to "authorize only" using AIM and if the authorization is successfull immediately create the customer's CIM Profile/PaymentProfile? Because I was thinking that since I'm using AIM to "authorize" and I...

SIM x_receipt_url, x_relay_url and Silent Post URL Locked

I'm using SIM x_receipt_url, which works fine. The payment page shows a button after the payment is complete, clicking it will take the payer back to my site to update his status. Now, the payer may forget to click the "Go back" button and simply clo...

Read-only transaction key for Transaction Details API? Solved Locked

Hi, I suspect this is a long shot but I'm wondering if there's some way that I missed for me to generate a separate, read-only transaction key that I can use to make Transaction Details API calls. I am writing some code to run unattended once a day a...


HELP ? Maybe Solved Locked

Is there a phone number available for Initialization integration support??? I've been trying this all week to no avail , forgive my persistance , vehemence and urgency but someone is going to wander back to our department in a second and scream where...



As I review Payment Form Fields in the Management Console to make sure shipping and billing fields are going to be displayed -- assuming that this setting means that they will exist on the hostted form but will only be pre filled with my data if I pa...


Please help SIM ASP MVC C# Solved

Good afternoon ,I threw my test site (SIM MVC C#) out to a publically accessible location I’m still not getting a response back.

Vendor API Call

I’m having difficulity obtaining a respon...


Do you know what this company is using for payment processing? Solved Locked

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this company was using as their gateway, and if so which "version" of they had. I would like to adopt their method since we too deal with digital goods. I've linked over th...

Use CIM to store and retrieve SSN and EIN Locked

I plan on using CIM for processing transaction, but I also need to store SSNs and EINs for W-9/1099 reasons.Can CIM be used to store and retrieve this info? My assumption based on what I've read is that I cannot becasue a) you can't retreive with CIM...

Split Capture and Void scenario Locked

I have a transaction approved for 90.00 and has the tran id of XXXXXXI issued a Prior_Auth_Capture for 60.00 on XXXXXX(same as above).I want to realease authorization for the remaining 30.00. How can I do this. (Void is voiding the whole transaction)...


Few questions about authorize Locked

Hi, I built a shopping web page with a city and zip fields on my billing form(this fields are required in authorize for creating payment profile id). Do I need to verify the city name and zip code? In other words, what if the user will write on this ...


AIM to authorize & CIM to capture? Solved Locked

Hi, If I want to use AIM to "authorize only" a transaction, and later use CIM to "capture/settle" this transaction. What do I need to include regarding any AIM information in the CIM "createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest" call? Thank you, olimits7


Standard CIM - get/update payment info? Solved Locked

Hi, I'm going to use "getCustomerPaymentProfileRequest" to show my customer their billing address and credit card information (e.g.e cardholder name, masked cc, masked exp date). I then want to have an "Edit" button on my website where it will take m...

Authorizing card for verification without holding funds? Locked

I don't understand how this can be done. VISA says that since 2009 every merchant authorization transaction for very small amounts such as $1 or $0.01 is misusing the Authorization System and should be using $0 transactions instead. As far as i can t...

Credit Card Expiration Failure / Reporting API Locked

I'm developing a web application that will integrate with ARB API and reporting API. I’m currently working on the integration within the sandbox developer test environment. Things are going well except I have a problem. I created a new ...

E00035 What does it mean? Locked

E00035"The subscription ID for this request is not valid for this merchant" But what does it mean? Can someone explain further? Thank you!

[ERROR] Integration Post Direct Method + Java Locked

I mounted the whole environment described in however, when running on my screen returns the following error message: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: H...